New Vacancies in Ministry of Maritime Affairs Gwadar Port Authority 2023

I a sharing the new job Vacancies in the Ministry  of Maritime Affairs Gwadar Port Authority. These jobs at Gawadar Port Authority are from BPS-02 to BPS-16. The details are as under:


Job Vacancies in Ministry of Maritime Affairs Gwadar Port Authority 2023

Ministry of Maritime Affairs Gwadar Port Authority announces multiple new vacancies from BPS-01 to BPS-16. It invites applications from all Pakistani nationals to serve and gives the best performance.  It is recruiting 60+ qualified /certified and experienced candidates. Professional candidates who meet the requirements of any post can apply.

The competent authority will call special interview sessions to shortlist candidates. After the complete procedure of selection Candidates will be posted in Balochistan. The candidates will post according to vacant seats and the needs of the Department.  These candidates Will provide services on a regular basis.


Vacancies of BPS-14 and BPS-16


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total vacancies Qualification
1. Hydrographic


BPS-16 01 B.Sc/Diploma in relevant field
2. Sub-Engineer Civil BPS-16 04 DAE Civil
3. Sub-Engineer Mechanical BPS-16 01 DAE Mechanical
4. Law Officer BPS-16 01 Law Graduate
5. Sub-Engineer


BPS-16 01 DAE Electrical
6. Steno Typist BPS-14 01 Intermediate

Typing speed 80/40 wPM

7. Quality Surveyor BPS-14 01 Intermediate

Job of BPS-10 and BPS-11 ,BPS-13


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total vacancies Qualification
1. Air Condition mechanic BPS-11 01 Matric
2. Fire Station Inspector BPS-12 01 Intermediate
3. Electrician BPS-11 01 DAE Electrical
4. Fisheries Inspector BPS-10 01 Intermediate
5. Inspector BPS-10 01  
6. Rest House Caretaker BPS-10 01 Intermediate

Vacancies of BPS-08 ,BPS-09,BPS-10


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total vacancies Qualification
1. Meet BPS-09 01 Intermediate
2. C-Man BPS-06 01 Intermediate
3. Sanitation Inspector BPS-08 01  




4. Assistant Security Inspector BPS-08 02
5. Mobile Crane Driver BPS-07 02

Vacancies of BPS-05 and BPS-06


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total vacancies Qualification
1. Scuba Driver BPS-06 01  


Have relevant  work


2. Driver BPS-06 07
3. Welder BPS-06 01
4. Plumber BPS-06 01
5. Lineman BPS-05 01
6. Fireman BPS-05 03

New Vacancies of BPS-02


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total vacancies Qualification
1. Maali BPS-02 01  



Middle Pass

Skilled and have relevant work experience

2. Helper BPS-02 03
3. Cleaner BPS-02 03
4. Naib Qasid BPS-02 05
5. Watchman BPS-02 07
6. Labour BPS-02 05
7. Topaas BPS-02 02

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Instructions for Applicants


  1. The application form is available on the official website of GPA.
  2. Applicants can download the application form and send it with documents via E-Mail.
  3. Only shortlisted candidates may receive call letters or interviews.
  4. Authority reserves the right to make amendments in total seats.
  5. There is a specific quota for women and disabled candidates.
  6. Authority can cancel the process of recruitment at any time.
  7. Candidates may not receive any TA/DA to appear in the interview.
  8. Competent authorities can make the final selection of suitable candidates.


Last Date to Apply


Applicants can send their applications awithin.15-days after the publishing of the advertisement. The ad was published on 13-07-2023.



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New Vacancies in Ministry of Maritime Affairs Gwadar Port Authority 2023

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