Punjab University of Technology Rasul Vacancies 2023

I am sharing here the latest Punjab University of Technology Rasul Vacancies 2023. The Punjab University of Technology resoles invites applications from adequately qualified individuals for multiple vacant positions. It is accepting applications for all Pakistani national male and female candidates what competent dynamic and professional in their relevant fields. University hires eligible candidates on a contract basis for a period of 03 years.


Non-Teaching Jobs in PUT – Punjab University of Technology Rasul Vacancies 2023


The Registrar of the Punjab University of Technology Rasul is accepting applications from highly qualified and experienced individuals. All the individuals who are capable to fulfill the responsibilities of the relevant post can apply. Candidate with Master’s Degrees and Ph.D. holders can send their applications.


Detail of Jobs in PUT

The university is hiring professional candidates for the Statutory and Project Posts. There are 03 statutory vacant positions and 02 project posts.


Eligibility Criteria of Statutory Posts


Sr.No Name of Posts Basic Pay Scale Total Seats Qualification
1. Registrar BPS-20 01 Ph.D./M.S /M.phill in any discipline,

Minimum 80 years of post-qualification or Administrative or Professional Experience

2. Treasurer BPS-20 01
3. Controller of Examination BPS-20 01

Eligibility Criteria for Project Posts


For their project post candidates must have diploma or skill-based certificates in the relevant field.

Sr.No Name of Posts Total Seats Qualification
1. Sub-Engineer

Electrical and Mechanical

01 Diploma of Associate Engineering in Electrical and Mechanical
2. Assistant Computer Operator 01  Bachelor’s   degree in Computer Science with Proficiency in Microsoft Office

Parks and privileges


all the candidates appointed as Registrar/ Treasurer and Controller of Examination Are entitled to receive perks and privileges in correspondence with their basic scale.


  1. For the post of Sub-Engineer, after selection, the candidates will receive monthly salaries from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 105,000 with all other incentives.
  2. For the post office assistant computer operator after selection, the candidates will receive Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 75,000 on a monthly basis.
  3. for statutory posts, all candidates will get marked competitive salaries and incentives.


Process to Apply


All interested candidates must make a complete file of the following document:


  1. CNIC
  2. Academic Degrees
  3. Experience Letters
  4. Original Challan of Rs.3000/-


And then send it to the office of the registrar at the Punjab University of Technology Rasul, 23KM Sari E Alamgir Road Rasul, Mandi Bahaudin.


General Rules


  1. Interested candidates can download the application form from the Punjab University of Technology Rasul website.
  2. University Will shortlist suitable candidates. These candidates will receive call letters for interviews. They will not get any traveling allowance to appear in the interview.
  3. The university reserves the right to cancel any post.
  4. candidates must pay the Challan of Rs. 3000 for each post.
  5. all in-service government employees are also invited to apply for any post for the proper channel.
  6. applicants must clearly mention the name of the post applying for on the top corner of the envelope.
  7. incomplete applications Are not acceptable for any post.


Last Date to Submit Application


Interested candidates must submit their applications to the office of Registrar Punjab University of Technology Rasul by 4th August 2023.


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Punjab University of Technology Rasul Vacancies 2023

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