Revision of Conveyance Allowance 2023 to Disable Employees GB

Government of Gilgit Baltistan Finance Department issued a Notification on 14-07-2023 in connection with the Increase / Revision of Special Conveyance Allowance 2023 to Disable Employees GB. The details are as under:


Increase / Revision of Conveyance Allowance 2023 to Disable Employees GB

Deputy Secretary Regulation, Finance Department issues notifications regarding the revision of conveyance allowance to disabled employees. These all employees are working in the public departments of GB. They are providing their best services to their departments. In order to resolve the conveyance issues of these employees GP government decides to assist them. After making a final decision the Government of Gilgit Baltistan announces to increase the 100%  rate of conveyance allowance.


100% Increase in Special CA


As able employees disabled employees also work in far furlong areas. They also face the issue of conveyance every day. The problem of conveyance is not only physical but also disturbs the employees mentally. Still, they are working as energetic and professional employees. For supporting their services Gilgit Baltistan government announces to revision of the rate of the existing conveyance allowance. GB government approves providing a 100% increase in conveyance allowance for these disabled employees.


Revised Rates of Special CA for Disable Employees


Gilgit Baltistan Secretariat and finance department agree to pay the additional value of a 100% increase in conveyance allowance for disabled employees. The previous rate of conveyance allowance is Rs. 2000 per month.


  1. The new rate after increasing Rate is Rs. 4000 per month in addition to the normal conveyance allowance.
  2. There is a clear 100% increase in conveyance allowance With the addition of Rs. 4000.
See also  Clarification of Status of Various Allowances after Pay Scales Revision 2022
Admissibility of 100% Conveyance Allowance of Disable Employees


A 100% increase in the conveyance allowance for disabled employees is admissible on the following conditions:


  1. Disabled employees must have disability certificates from competent medical boards after joining services. the nature of disability is exceptional.
  2. An increase is also admissible to the employees recruited on a merit basis or on any specific quota.
  3. It is not admissible during the leave of any kind. A medical leave of up to one month or casual leaves is excluded.



Revision of Conveyance Allowance 2023 to Disable Employees GB


Finance Department Gilgit Baltistan has also issued the Notification Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 GB @ 30% / 35% for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-22.


Special Thanks: Mr. Muhammad Ibraim GB


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