Notification Public Holidays 28th July & 29th July (Ashura 9th & 10th Moharram 1445 AH)

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Cabinet Division issued a Notification on 20-07-2023 in connection with Public Holidays 28th July & 29th July (Ashura 9th & 10th Moharram 1445 AH). The details are as under:


Moharram-ul-Haram Holidays- Public Holidays 28th July & 29th July (Ashura 9th & 10th Moharram 1445 AH)


These holidays are also included in the Public and Optional Holidays List 2023 Pakistan that the Establishment Division issued earlier.

Prime Minister of Pakistan declares the 28th and 29th of July 2023 as public holidays to celebrate Ashura in connection with the 9th and 10th Muharram ul Haraam.  In this case, the section officer circulates and forwards the specific notification to all competent authorities.

In order to celebrate this day peacefully and respectfully there will be no official trading activities on these days. All public and private departments remain closed during these two holidays. Private and public Labour is also off-duty.


Sr.No Day Date
1. Friday 28th July 2023
2. Saturday 29th July 2023


2023 Muharram Holidays for Ashura


Government of Pakistan Cabinet Secretariat Cabinet Division releases a new notification on 20th July 2023. It announces the 28th and 29th of July 2023 as Public Holidays.  These holidays are announced on the occasion of Ashura (9th and 10th Moharram).

Regarding this, the press release publishes this notification in all major English and Urdu dailies both at the National and Regional levels and also gives wide publicity through the electronic media.

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Ashura Days 2023


In this year Ashura is on Friday, 28th of July, and Saturday 29th of July,2023. These days are connected to the sad martyrdom of the beloved grandson of our Holy Prophet Muhammad( SAW). The martyrdom of Imam Hussain R.A. is the most significant tragic incident in the history of the world. This sad incident happens on the 9th and 10th of Muharram in the plain of Karbala.


Suspension of Mobile Phone Service


It is expected that mobile phone services will be suspended in several areas.  Along the route of the Muharram procession for security purposes and a notification will likely follow in this regard.

On these two days, there will be no mobile phone service in various sensitive areas. For security purpose along the route of Muharram Procession there is police or Rangers.




Notification Public Holidays 28th July & 29th July (Ashura 9th & 10th Moharram 1445 AH)


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