Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Vacancies Ad No.09/2023

The Punjab Public Service Commission has issued the PPSC Job Vacancies Ad No. 09 of 2023. These jobs are for BPS-16, BPS-17, and BPS-18 in Punjab Housing & Town Planning Agency Lahore (PH&TPA) and PPSC itself. The details are as under:


Punjab Govt PPSC Job Vacancies Ad No. 09 of 2023



Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore announces new vacancies. It invites applications of qualified and eligible candidates for different posts in the Housing Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Department. There are also 03-vacancies in Punjab housing and town planning agency Lahore. Male and female Candidates with prescribed qualifications and experience can apply for the posts.


Summary of Jobs


Male or Female Candidates holding domicile in any district of Punjab Province can apply. They must meet the qualification criteria for the post applying for.


Prescribe Qualification and Vacant Seats in Housing Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Department


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total Seats Qualification
1. Deputy Director


BPS-18 03 B.Sc Engineering

(Registration with


Jobs in PPSC Punjab Housing and Town Planning Agency Lahore


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Available Seats Qualification
1. Security Supervisor BPS-16 01 Retires JCO
2. Officer/ Assistant Director of Security BPS-17 01 B.A /B.Sc
3. Support Officer BPS-16 01 M.SC/MCS /MIT

For You: Join PAF as Officer in Medical Branch


Terms & Conditions PPSC Jobs


  1. Interested candidates can check the general instructions regarding tests and interviews on the official website of PPSC.
  2. Candidates must pay the prescribed application processing or test fee.
  3. It also accepts the applications of employees of semi-government and autonomous bodies of the federal government provincial government or local businesses.
  4. In-service government employees must provide the NOC from their respective department
  5. Department can reject any application with false information.
  6. The department will also conduct the shorthand test and typing and proficiency test on the basis of the needs of the department.
  7. The department will conduct specific written tests.
  8. Only short-listed candidates will receive interview call letters after the test. They will not get any TA/DaA to appear in tests or interviews.


Closing Date of Registration


Interested candidates can register now, till 9th August 2023.




There is another ad of PPSC that is still open and that is PPSC Vacancies Ad No. 08/2023. The candidates may apply for these career opportunities too.



PPSC Job Vacancies Ad No. 09 of 2023



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See also  Notification of Fee Enhancement KPPSC & KPK Service Tribunal

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