Notification Public Holidays for Ashura Punjab (9th &10th Muharram) 2023

Government of Punjab Services and General Administration Regulation Wing issued a notification in connection with Public Holidays for Ashura Punjab (9th &10th Muharram) 2023. The. The Muslims will observe on Friday 28th July 2020 and Saturday 29th July 2023.


Public Holidays for Ashura Punjab (9th &10th Muharram) 2023


section officer circulates and forwards the specific notification to all competent authorities regarding this. As Punjab Government declares the 28th and 29th of July 2023 as public holidays to celebrate Ashura on the 9th and 10th of Muharram ul Haraam.

There will be no official business activities on these 02-days. All public and private offices /banks/ companies will remain closed during these two holidays. In order to celebrate this day peacefully and respectfully Private and public Labour is also off-duty.


Sr.No Day Date
1. Friday 28th July ,2023
2. Saturday 29th July,2023

Official Public Holidays for Ashura 2023 Muharram


The government of Punjab issued the latest notification on 26th July 2023. It declares the 28th and 29th of July 2023 as Public Holidays on the occasion of Ashura (9th and 10th Moharram).


9th and 10th Muharram Ashura Days 2023


In this year 2023, we observe Ashura on  Friday, 28th July, and Saturday 29th July 2023. The martyrdom of Imam Hussain R.A. is the most known incident in history. This tragic incident happened on the 9th and 10th of Muharram. Their family faced the most difficult time of their lives.

See also  Notification of Conversion Government Guest Houses (Rest Houses) into Tourists Resorts


No Mobile Phone Service /Network Suspension


It is expected that the Government of Punjab will suspend mobile phone services in several sensitive areas.  Where the route of the Muharram procession needs more security. As the electronic media give full coverage of the possession in the whole country.

On these two days, there will be no mobile phone network service in different critical areas of Punjab.

Punjab press release publishes this notification in all major English and Urdu dailies. Both at the National and Regional levels. It also gives wide publicity through the electronic media.


The Federal Government has already issued the Notification of Public holidays on the 28th & 29th of Moharram ul Haram 2023 in Pakistan.


Public Holidays for Ashura Punjab (9th &10th Muharram) 2023

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