FBISE HSSC-I and HSSC-II Annual Result 2023

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad announces the FBISE HSSC-I and HSSC-II Annual Result 2023. The board will announce the result of relevant classes on Wednesday 23rd August 2023 at 10:30 AM. In the result announcement ceremony, the chief guest will be the federal minister of education and professional training honorable Madad Ali Sindhi. During the Result announcement ceremony, the Honorable Federal Minister for Educational Professional Training will also distribute the prizes among the opposition holders. Some other important guests will also join the ceremony.

FBISE HSSC-I and HSSC-II Annual Result 2023 (1st Annual)

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education is one of the vigilant and active boards. The board is providing the best educational services. All the results awaiting students of the HSBC one and two will be glad to know about their performance of studies. The schedule of Federal board intermediate Part-I & Part-II 2023 1st Annual result is as under:


Result of Class HSSC-I and II
Board FBISE Islamabad
Result Announcement Day Wednesday
Result Announcement Date 23rd August 2022
Result Announcement Time 10:30 AM

During the whole period between examinations and the result announcement, all the students become anxious and curious about the results. Not only students but also parents and teachers Wait for the result in order to check the current position of their children and students in their studies.


Check Online Federal Board 1st Year and 2nd Year Result


All their regular and private students either male or female students can check their final results through the official website of the federal board. Students can visit the website and follow the following steps

See also  BISE Abbottabad Notification of Special Exam 2020 SSC & HSSC


  1. open website fbise.edu.pk.
  2. From the right corner open the menu. Then click on students.
  3. Click on results.
  4. Enter the name of the class and Roll. Number.

Teachers and principals of schools can also check their results institution-wise.



Check Online result FBISE Intermediate



FBISE HSSC-I and HSSC-II Annual Result 2023



Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Rawalpindi has also announced the BISE Rawalpindi SSC-I Annual Result 2023 on 22nd Aug 2023. You can also check this result online.

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