Latest jobs in WAPDA Medical Services 2023

Government of Pakistan announces new departmental Vacancies in WAPDA Medical Services Sep 2023. Previously the department provided a lot of job opportunities to skilled and young experienced individuals.


Latest Vacancies in WAPDA Medical Services Sep 2023

Sr.No Name of Posts Basic Pay Scale Total vacant Seats Qualification
1. Pathologist BPS18-19 30  

For the post of Basic Pay Scale 18:

Preferably from MBBS or equivalent medical qualification. Specialists

2. Medical Specialist
3.  Radiologist
4. surgical specialist
5. Cardiac Physician
6.  Plastic surgeon
7.  Medical Gynecologist
8.  gynecologist
9. Anesthetist
10. Cardiologist
11.  Pediatrician
12.  ENT specialist
13. Eye Specialist
14. Orthopedic surgeon
15. Dermatologist
16. Physician
17. Senior Registrar


For Basic Pay Scale 19:

Preferably from MBBS or equivalent medical qualification. And the Postgraduate qualification of FCPS

18. Senior Registrar


19. Senior Registrar Cardiac

Procedure to apply


All those interested candidates who fulfill the criteria of any post can apply.  Application forms are available on the official website of the WAPDA. The applicants can submit their application on the prescribed form along with the detailed following documents:


  1. CV
  2. Attested copies of all Educational and Experience Degrees or Certificates
  3. Domicile Certificates
  4. CNIC
  5. Recent passport size 3 photographs.


They may send their application to the Director General Recruitment WAPDA House Lahore through courier postal service within 15 days of application of this advertisement.


Duration of Employment


WAPDA provides job opportunities to experienced and professional candidates on a contract basis for a period of 03- years. This contract is extendable based on the performance of the individual.


General Terms and Conditions / Instructions


  1. Only eligible candidates will be called for the interview after short listening. The candidates will not receive any TA/DA to appear in the interview.
  2. The department provides three to five years of age relaxation to the candidates belonging to the specific community.
  3. The department also allows in-service government employees to apply with the permission of their relevant department.
  4. Candidates must attach education certificates and degrees with the application. They must bring their original documents at the time of the interview.
  5. WAPDA will not consider any incompletely filled or late application for any post.
  6. The department will reject applications with fake documents or false information.
  7. The age will be calculated on the last date of receipt of the application.


There are also available PCAA Vacancies September 2023 for the various posts. The candidates may apply for these vacancies if they fulfill the criteria.



Vacancies in WAPDA Medical Services Sep 2023

See also  PPSC Jobs 2021 in School Education Department

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