The Government of the Punjab S&GAD issued a Notification in connection with the Local Holiday on September 7, 2023, in Lahore The government of Punjab Services and General Administration Department welfare wing issued a notification on 4th September 2023. The notification is issued in order to announce the local holiday in the Lahore district on 7th September 2023 Thursday. The holiday is connected with the 20th Safar ul Muzaffar 1445.AH on account of 980 annual Urs Mubarak Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhshali Hajveiri RA.
Local Holiday on September 7, 2023 in Lahore
Punjab Government announces general public local holiday in district Lahore. The residents of Lahore only observe holiday at the Lahore district level and its subordinates’ offices are located in the Lahore district.
Application of Local Holiday on Public Department
According to the notification the public holiday is applicable to all departments and offices other than the Punjab Civil Secretariat and its relevant departments attached to it and Regional Offices. The working in these mentioned offices will continue during the holiday.
Additional chief Secretary government of Punjab also Signed the notification regarding the celebration of Urs Mubarak of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh Ali Hajveiri.
Special Security Arrangements
To maintain the security level during the celebration of Urs Mubarak Government of Punjab makes special security arrangements for the devotees attending the celebrations. The devotees celebrate this event for a minimum of three days every year. Therefore, the government manages to provide fool-proof security to all these devotees. Armed forces or Police take a part in security. All the devotees across the Country come to Lahore to celebrate this event with peace and respect.
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