Teaching Vacancies in Balochistan Residential College Zhob 2023

BRC has announced a number of Teaching Vacancies in Balochistan Residential College Zhob 2023. The Balochistan Residential College Zoab is a well-known educational institutions institution. It facilitates its staff and students. Regular and contract employees are serving their best services to the college. Both teaching and non-teaching staff are working hard to maintain the quality of education and standards of college.


The Latest Teaching Vacancies in Balochistan Residential College Zhob 2023


  1. Only Pakistani Nationals can apply for the posts of BPS-01 to BPS-09.
  2. Only Balochistan domicile holders or residents of Zoab can apply for posts of BPS-10 to BPS-18.


Application Processing Fee/Test Fee


Grade Fee                
BPS-16 and BPS-17 Rs.1000/-
Remaining grades Rs.500/-

 Lecturers Jobs in BRCZ


The college is going to provide the best facilities and employment opportunities to suitable individuals. All local residents having Balochistan Domicile can earn this opportunity on the basis of their abilities and experience. They have a chance to apply for multiple seats with separate applications.


Sr.No Title of Post Subject Basic Grade No.of Available Vacancies Qualification
1. Lecturer English  






Master’s Degree in relevant subject

2.   Math 02
3.   Islamiyat 01
4.   Physical Education 01
5.   Zoology 01
6.   Urdu 01
7.   Chemistry 01
8.   Librarian 01

Non-Teachings Jobs


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Grade Available vacant seats Qualification Last Date
1. Warden BPS-16 06 Graduation  











30th Sep, 2023

2. Assistant BPS-16 01 Graduation
3. Junior Clerk BPS-11 01 F.A with knowledge of English/Urdu typing
4. Physical Training Instructor (PTI) BPS-14 01 Graduation with Senior Physical Education Diploma
5. Electrician BPS-08 01 Matric with relevant Diploma
6. Dispenser BPS-07 01Storekeeper Intermediate with Relevant Diploma
7. Storekeeper BPS-07 01 Intermediate with relevant experience
8. Generator Operator BPS-06 01 Matric
9. Carpenter BPS-06 01 Matric with Diploma
10. Mason BPS-06 01 Literate



Candidates must apply according to their qualifications. The college will make calls to shortlisted candidates only.  After the due date, the college will not entertain any application.



Teaching Vacancies in Balochistan Residential College Zhob 2023

See also  Latest Job Vacancies in Qilla Saif Ullah Balochistan 2023

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