BPS-01 to BPS-05 Vacancies in GHQ (General Headquarters) 2023

Join now BPS-01 to BPS-05 Vacancies in GHQ (General Headquarters) 2023. There are a number of jobs in the General Headquarters (GHQ) for civilian workers for BPS-01 to BPS-05. It invites applications from local residents or domicile holders of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.  Candidates with minimum qualification matric/Primary or middle can apply for relevant posts. Experience candidates with expertise and professional knowledge get this opportunity.


BPS-01 to BPS-05 Vacancies in GHQ (General Headquarters) 2023


The details  regarding the post name, BPS, minimum qualification, and total number of available vacancies in GHQ for class Four are as under:



Sr.No Post Name Basic Pay Scale Minimum Qualification Total Vacancies
1. Security Guard BPS-05 Matric Pass 74
2. Civil Driver BPS-04 Primary Pass 03
3. Blue Printer BPS-03  




4. Junior Machine Man BPS-03 01
5. Senior Binder BPS-03 02
6. Attendant BPS-02 02
7. Fireman BPS-02 01
8. Naib Qasid BPS-01  


Primary Pass

9. Sanitary Worker BPS-01 01
10. Mess Waiter BPS-01 03
11. Cook BPS-01 03


Professional Skills


  1. For the post of driver candidates must possess LTV /HTV Driving License.
  2. Applicants must have experience and expertise or training for relevant posts.


Eligibility criteria


Applicants must be Pakistani Nationals. Candidates must hold local domiciles in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.


Steps to Apply and Closing Date


Applicants must apply online. They can apply for only one -post at a time. The in-service government employees can also apply. Closing Date 16th October 2023


Schedule for Tests and Interviews


Call letters for interviews and tests will be uploaded on the website. Candidates can check it regularly.


The General HQ Rawalpindi also announced on 1st Oct 2023 that the jobs of BPS-06 to BPS-15 in the Head Office. This BPS-06 to BPS-15 Jobs in General Headquarters for Civilians on a regular basis. All these jobs in the new ad and the previous one are for civilians and their status is civilian.



BPS-01 to BPS-05 Vacancies in GHQ (General Headquarters) 2023



See also  Pakistan Railways Vacancies 2023 for Retired Employees of PR

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