General Headquarter (GHQ) Civilian Vacancies 2023

There are chances to join GHQ jobs as General Headquarters (GHQ) Civilian Vacancies 2023. Suitable and capable candidates having relevant qualifications and practical experience in relevant fields can apply.  Interested candidates can apply for the post against their interest in joining General Headquarters as a Civilian Employee.

Willing candidates can apply online through the official website.  According to the conditions, one candidate can apply for only one post.  Applicants must provide active mobile phone numbers for further communication. Schedules about the tests and interviews will be uploaded after application verification. Candidates can apply till 16th October 2023 after which the E portal will be closed.


Details of General Headquarters (GHQ) Civilian Vacancies 2023


Sr.No Jobs Basic Pay Scales Total Vacancies
1. BPS-09 08
2. BPS-10 02
3. BPS-11 25
4. BPS-12 02
5. BPS-13 24
6. BPS-14 23
7. BPS-15 25

General Headquarter (GHQ) Civilian Vacancies 2023

Minimum Qualification for Each Post


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Minimum Qualification for Each Post No.of Seats/Vacancies
1. Assistant  BPS-15 Graduate /Typing Speed 20/wpm 23
2. Statistical Assistant BPS-15 Graduation with Mathematics and Statistics 02
3. Stenographer BPS-14 Intermediate with minimum shorthand and typing speed 80 to 40 words per minute well literate about computer 23
4. Upper Division Clerk BPS-13 Intermediate with Typing Speed 25 Words Per Minute 22
5. Photographer BPS-13 Matric pass With a minimum of Three to Five Years of Practical Experience in Photography 02
6. Technician BPS-12 Diploma of Associate Engineering in Computer Technology and Information Technology /with Minimum 02 years Post Qualification Experience 01
7. Library assistant BPS-12 Graduate with certificate in Library Science 01
8. Lower division clerk BPS-11 Matric pass with minimum typing speed of 30 words per minute/Computer Literate 21
9. Draftsman BPS-11 Matric pass with minimum three years diploma in D-Man ship from a recognized institute 01
10. Supervisor BPS-11 Graduate or ex. serviceman 01
11. Estimator BPS-11 Intermediate in Commerce 02
12. Cook BPS-10 Middle Pass 01
13. Translator BPS-10 Graduate with Minimum 03 years experience in the Translation of Technical Subjects 01
14. Technician Hydraulic X-Ray Machine BPS-09 Matric passes along with 05 years’ experience in a relevant field 03
15. Technician BPS-09 Diploma in Associate Engineering in Electrical Electronics Telecom Computer Sciences 01
16. Technician BPS-09 Diploma of Associate Engineering in Electrical Electronics Telecom Computer Science 01
17. security supervisor BPS-09 Intermediate or Equivalent Minimum 01 Year Experience as Security Guard 03
18. Calligraphist BPS-07 Matric pass with enough Knowledge of Urdu and Experience of Calligraphy 03
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