Revised Rates of Remuneration for Staff of SSC and HSSC Examinations BISE Peshawar

Peshawar Education Board has issued a Notification on 05-10-2023 in connection with Revised Rates of Remuneration for Staff of SSC and HSSC Examinations BISE Peshawar. The new enhanced rates are effective from 2nd October 2023. The details are as under:

New Revised Rates of Remuneration for Staff of SSC and HSSC Examinations BISE Peshawar Board

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Peshawar announces new remuneration rates for invigilation staff. This staff will perform duties in SSC/HSSC examinations with effect from 02th October 2023. All staff members including invigilators/superintendents /Deputy superintendents/Lab Assistants of Class-iv Will receive a perfect remuneration for their duties. Chairman BISE Peshawar enhances the rates of remuneration. The rates are 100% or more than the previous rates. The staff involved in conducting the SSC and HSSC Examination must check the new schedule of remuneration.


Enhanced Rates of Remuneration for Board Duties


  1. For the post of Resident Inspector, the previous rate of remuneration was Rs.250 per day. The new enhanced rate is Rs.500/- per day.
  2. Superintendents will get Rs.500 per day. The previous rate is Rs.300/- per day.
  3. Deputy Superintendents of schools where the 2nd Shift is involved will get Rs.400/- per day.
  4. The per day remuneration for class -iv is Rs.100.
  5. Practical remuneration is Rs.2500. It is Rs.1000 more than previous
  6. Lab Assistants are eligible to get Rs.15 per candidate. The rate is 50% increased.


Remuneration Chart for Invigilation Staff SSC/HSSC Exam BISE Peshawar


Sr.No Designation Exam Name Existing Rates in Rs.  Approved Rates in Rs.
1. Resident Inspector of Government Institutions (Only Designated Principals) SSC /



Rs.250/- per Day

Rs.250/- Per Day

Rs.500/- Per Day

Rs.500/-per Day


2. 1.      Superintendents where the 2nd Shift Paper is scheduled

2.      Dy. Superintendents where the 2nd Shift Paper is scheduled

3.      Invigilator where 2nd Shift paper is scheduled






Rs.300 per Day




Rs.200 per day





Rs.400 per Day




Rs.300/- per day

3. Class-iv Local SSC/HSSC Rs.100/-per day Rs.200/- per day
4. Class -iv Chitral SSC/HSSC Rs.100/-per Day Rs.200/- Per Day
5. Practical Remuneration where 01 day practical is involved SSC/HSSC Rs.1500/-Per day Rs.2500/- per Day
6. Collection of Script/Papers only for the collection Points SSC/HSSC Nil Rs.500/- per day
7. Remuneration for lab Assistants SSC



Rs.10 per candidate Rs.15/- per candidate

Rs.20/- Per candidate

8. Typist      

Which Rates of Remuneration are Abolished


Remuneration for the following designations is abolished:


Designation Rates of Remuneration Exam Type
Typist /seating Arrangements Rs.1000/- SSC / HSSC
The remuneration of Resident Inspector of Private Institutions   SSC /HSSC

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Revised Rates of Remuneration for Staff of SSC and HSSC Examinations BISE Peshawar

See also  Notification of Special Incentive Allowance @ 4000/- Per Month

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