Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor General Service A-2024 (S) / Marine C-2023 (S)

Now you can Join the Pakistan Navy as a Sailor General Service and Marine 2023. Pakistan Navy is a very reputable and honorable department of the country. It always opens gates for career-building opportunities for young talent. It invites applications for the post of Sailor in the General Service Marine Batch. Pak Navy invites applications from all Pakistani national male candidates for different fields. As this department is an equal opportunity employer it also provides job opportunities to the female candidates. According to the advertisement the female applicants can only be in the Medical Nursing field for professional services.


Online Registration to Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor General Service and Marine 2023


It opens up the registrations for the multiple positions from 8th October 2023 and it will end up on 22nd October 2023. The different mobile recruitment teams of the Pakistan Navy will also visit different far long areas for the recruitment of suitable candidates who are interested in joining the Pakistan Navy. Candidates can submit online application forms between these dates. After the due date, the e-portal will automatically close and no application will be submitted.

It Instructs all the applicants to make preparations for the entry test according to the registration slip instructions and conditions. For online registration, candidates must visit the official website of the Pakistan Navy


Required Qualification of Each Branch


Here is the detail about the qualification or educational requirement criteria of each branch


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Sr.No Branch Category Qualification
1. Technical Branch A Matrics with science subjects (65% marks)
2. Female Medical Technician


B Matric with Science (65% Marks)
3. Naval police/ Regulating C Matric with Science (60% Marks)
4. Marine D Matric with Science (60% Marks)
5. Chef/ Steward F Matric with Science (50% Marks)
6. Musician G Matric with Science (50% Marks)
7. MTD Driver H Matric with Science/Arts/jeep or car driving license
8. Sanitary Worker J Middle Pass
9. PT Branch K Matric with Science (60% Marks)

For other physical standards and requirements candidates must visit the website and check the complete advertisement.


Benefits and Perks


The department always provides handsome salaries and other attractive perks and benefits to all candidates who are in service or after retirement.


  1. Free Accommodation/ Food/ Residence or Uniform
  2. Life Insurance Facility
  3. For Better Training Courses on Deputation Can Visit the Foreign Countries
  4. Family Residence or Other Allowances for Married Candidates
  5. 50% Discount on Travelling Expenses Through Train or By Air
  6. Job Opportunities in Bahria Foundation After Retirement
  7. 40% Additional Allowance or Russian Allowance In Submarine SSG Navy Or Aviation Branches.


Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor General Service and Marine 2023

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