Notification Grant Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% of Basic Pay and Pension LG

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development Department issued a Notification on 09-10-2023 in connection with Grant Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% of Basic Pay and Pension LG. The details are as under:


Local Govt Grant Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% of Basic Pay and Pension


Government Punjab approves the grant of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 at 35% of Basic Pay as of 30th June 2023 for LG employees. LG approved this allowance for the Civil Servants of the Punjab Local government. These employees or civil servants are working under Basic Pay Scale 01 to Basic Pay Scale 16 in public departments. The employees also are working in BPS-17 to BPS-22. The government also approves the 30% of basic pay ARA,2023 for the civil servants working under Basic Pay Scale 17 up to Basic Scale 22. All the Administrators and all the Chief Officers of Metropolitan Corporation Municipal Corporation Municipal Committees and District Councils in Punjab receive notification regarding this grant.


Grant of Increase Pension of Civil Servants


With the grant increase in Adhoc Relief Allowance, the government of Punjab also agrees to pay the increase in pension to civil pensioners of the government of Punjab. Regarding this, the finance department issued a notification that the competent authority gave approval for this grant. All the terms and conditions are the same as mentioned in the notification. All the civil pensioners will receive this grant according to the notification and orders of competent authority.

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Adjustment of Budget for the Allocation of Increased Adhoc Relief Allowance and Pension


The expenditure that will occur regarding the extra grant of this allowance is adjusted for all civil servants. It also gives approval for an increase in pension for the pensioners. The finance department adjusted all the expenditures concerned the local government and a supplementary grant is also available on this account. Government of Punjab’s local government and community development department issued a notification on 9th October 2003. The main subject of the notification is the grant of ARA 2023 at 35% of basic pay as of 30th June 2023 for the civil servants of the local government of Punjab.


Relevant Notifications


The section officer Admin.III directs to forward the copies of notification number FD.R.V.4- 1/ 2023 that the department issued on 8th August 2023.

The finance department also issued notification number FD.SR.III-136/2023 On 8th August 2023. The main subject of that notification is also the same as this. According to that notification, the competent authority agrees to adopt the aforementioned notification mutatis mutandis for the employees of local governments on the same conditions.


For you: ARA-2023 Punnjab on Running Basic Pay




Notification Grant Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% of Basic Pay and Pension LG

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