Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Centre Jobs 2023

Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Centre has announced the recent PKLI new Vacancies Oct 2023. The Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Centre provides the best career opportunities. The institute is working as a body corporate through the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Centre ACT- 2019. The provincial assembly of Punjab passed the Central Act 2019 regarding PKLI.


PKLI new Vacancies Oct 2023 (Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Centre)


There are multiple vacant positions in clinical nonclinical, nursing College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, PKLI Clinics Directorate Headquarters Lahore, and Filters Clinics. There are 54 vacancies in the clinical department. 35 vacancies are available in Nursing Department and 07- Vacant Positions are available in PKLI College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. Candidates can also apply for the four filter clinics directorate headquartered in Lahore. Interested candidates can also apply for the 100-plus vacant positions in non-clinical posts.


The last date for online application Submission is 02nd November 2023


Sr. No Clinical Posts Jobs Title Total Vacancies
1. Internal Medicine Registrar Internal Medicine Echo Cardiography 02
2. Urology  Registrar Urology Administrative Secretary Urology 02
3. Hepatology and Gastroenterology  Clinical Fellow’s Clinical Coordinator Hepatology And Gastroenterology Admin Secretary Coordinator Hepatology And Gastroenterology Senior Endoscopy Technician Endoscopy Technician 08
4. Bone Marrow Transplant Bone Marrow Transplant Bone Marrow Transplant Coordinator 01
5. Paeds Registrar Paeds Clinical Fellow Paeds 01
6. Anesthesia Clinical Fellow Anesthesia Registrar Anesthesia 12
7. Radiology Assistant Manager Radiology Senior IR Technician 02
8. Nuclear Medicine Senior Registrar nuclear medicine Senior Registrar of Nuclear Medicine 01
9.  pathology Registrar Hematology Senior Medical Lab Technologist Senior Medical Lab Technologist Histology Medical Lab Technologist Hematology Fellow Botanist 11
10. Infection Prevention Control Infection Preventionist 04
11. Critical Care Registrar Critical Care Junior Respiratory Therapist Junior ICU Technologist 09
See also  Punjab Daanish Schools and Centres of Excellence Authority Jobs 2025

Vacancies in Nursing


Sr.No Name of Post/department No.of Vacancies
1. Nurse Manager 02
2. Head Nurse 03

Vacancies in PKLI College of Nursing and Allied Sciences


Sr.No Name of Position/Department No.of Seats
1. Principal 01
2. Senior Lecturer (Nursing) 01
3. Staff Nurse 03
4. Nurse Instructor 02
5. Nursing Assistant 25

PKLI new Vacancies Oct 2023 in Non-Clinical Posts


Sr.No Name of Vacancy/Department Available Vacancies
1. Administration :

1.      Assistant  Manager Admin

2.      Customer Service Representative

3.      Transporter

2. Facilities Management Sciences :

1.      Engineer Building Management

2.      Engineer Services Mechanical

3.      Engineer Electrical

4.      Fire Fighter

5.      Technician Mechanical

6.      Technician HVAC  Plant Side

7.      Technician HAVC

8.      Technician HAVC Air Side

9.      Technician Electrical

3. Registration and Central Command Unit:

1.      Senior Manager R&CCU

2.      Assistant Manager R&CCU

3.      Coordinator R&CCU

4. Human Resource :

1.      Assistant Manager Human Resource

2.      Executive Human Resource

3.      Human Resource Officer

4.      Human Resource Dispatch Rider

5.      Record Keeper

5. Medical Director :

1.      Clinical Governance Coordinator

2.      FNSD


Job Vacancies in PKLI Directorate  Head Quarter Lahore


Sr.No Name of Department/Post Vacancies Available
1. Assistant Project  Director 03

Jobs in PKLI Clinics


Sr.No Name of Department/Post Vacancies Available
1. Pharmacist


2. Nurse 05
3. Administrative Officer 03

Eligibility Criteria


  1. Candidates who meet the conditions or requirements of vacant positions.
  2. In-service public servants (with NOC).
  3. Experienced and qualified or trained candidates.


Salary Distribution


All employees will get market-competitive salaries. As the Institute offers handsome pay and allowances, willing candidates must apply to avail this opportunity.


Application Submission Method


The institute is accepting online applications through the web Portal.




PKLI New Vacancies Oct 2023

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