Pay and Allowances (Salary) New Appointed Employee 2023-24 Pakistan BPS-01 to BPS-18

I have prepared the Chart of Salary New Appointed Employee 2023-24 Pay Scale Wise in Pakistan. This pay and allowances chart is for BPS-01 to BPS-18 employees who got fresh appointments in Federal and provinces (Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Gilgit Baltistan (GB) and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K). The salary in this new chart of 2023-2024 is different from the Salary Chart of Fresh Appointed Employees in 2022-23 in Pakistan BPS-wise. I have also made amendments to the new salary chart for 2023-24. The main amendment is the inclusion of Group Insurance, benevolent Fund, and GP Fund Subscription amount that I included in the new salary chart. The other reason for the difference in salary is the addition of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% and 30% for BPS-01 to BPS-16 and BPS-17 and above respectively.


Chart of Salary New Appointed Employee 2023-24 Pay Scale Wise


In this new salary chart for BPS-01 to BPS-18 employees you will get the net salary of all the employees who got fresh appointments in the years 2023-2024. The net salary is the main feature of this fresh pay and allowances chart. The net salary has been obtained after deducting Benevolent Fund, Group Insurance, and GP Fund Subscription Rates 2022 for BPS-01 to BPS-18. The Table of a Federal Government employee who was appointed in 2023-2024 and whose place of posting is Lahore is as under:


BPS Total Pay & Allowances Total Ded GP Fund, GI, and BF Net Pay 
BPS-01 28607 936 27671
BPS-02 29113 1396 27717
BPS-03 29943 1486 28457
BPS-04 30749 1566 29183
BPS-05 31891 1714 30177
BPS-06 32865 1804 31061
BPS-07 33881 1884 31997
BPS-08 34967 1984 32983
BPS-09 36071 2132 33939
BPS-10 37158 2232 34926
BPS-11 39227 2352 36875
BPS-12 41312 3780 37532
BPS-13 43900 4098 39802
BPS-14 46442 4428 42014
BPS-15 49038 4866 44172
BPS-16 58888 6286 52602
BPS-17 88794 8182 80612
BPS-18 111174 9901 101273


Main Pay and Allowance for All Government Employees


The employees of all the departments and all over Pakistan generally get the following pay and allowances:


  • Basic Pay
  • House Rent Allowance ( 45% / 30% of Initial Basic Pay of 2008 Basic Pay Scales Plus 50% Increase)
  • Medical Allowance (MA)
  • Conveyance Allowance (CA)
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 (ARA-2022) @ 15% of 2017 Pay Scales
  • Disparity Reduction Allowance / Special Allowance 2021 @ 25% of Basic Pay
  • Disparity Reduction Allowance / Special Allowance 2022 @ 15% of basic pay
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% for BPS-01 to BPS-16 and 30% for BPS-17 and above


Some Other Specific Allowances


The employees appointed in 2023-24 may get some other allowances depending on the nature of duty/job and department/office. Some of these allowances are as under:


  • Teaching Allowance (for teachers only)
  • Special Conveyance Allowance
  • Orderly Allowance (BPS-20 and above only)
  • Special Compensatory Allowance
  • Phil / Ph.D. Allowance / Qualification Allowance
  • Audit and Accounts Allowance Integrated Allowance
  • Washing/Dusting Allowance etc
  • Hard Area Allowance
  • Uniform Allowance
  • Health Risk Allowance (For Specific departments) especially for Health Department employees
  • Judicial Allowance
  • Secretariat Allowance/Governor House House/CM House Allowance/PM House Allowance
  • Computer Allowance for Computer Personals
  • The employee may get some other allowances depending on the nature of the job and the department



Pay and Allowances Chart Federal, Punjab, GB, AJ&K, and Balochistan (2023-24)

Big Cities HRA @ 45% of Initial of 2008 BPS + 50% Increase 
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance/DRA 2021 @ 25% Special Allowance/DRA 2022 @ 15% ARA-2022 @ 15% ARA-2023 @ 35% and 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 2006 1785 1500 2283 1370 1370 4743 28607 600 336 0 936 27671
BPS-02 13820 2049 1785 1500 2328 1397 1397 4837 29113 1060 336 0 1396 27717
BPS-03 14260 2120 1785 1500 2403 1442 1442 4991 29943 1150 336 0 1486 28457
BPS-04 14690 2187 1785 1500 2475 1485 1485 5142 30749 1230 336 0 1566 29183
BPS-05 15230 2255 1932 1500 2565 1539 1539 5331 31891 1330 384 0 1714 30177
BPS-06 15760 2316 1932 1500 2655 1593 1593 5516 32865 1420 384 0 1804 31061
BPS-07 16310 2384 1932 1500 2748 1649 1649 5709 33881 1500 384 0 1884 31997
BPS-08 16890 2474 1932 1500 2845 1707 1707 5912 34967 1600 384 0 1984 32983
BPS-09 17470 2579 1932 1500 2943 1766 1766 6115 36071 1700 432 0 2132 33939
BPS-10 18050 2670 1932 1500 3040 1824 1824 6318 37158 1800 432 0 2232 34926
BPS-11 18650 2778 2856 1500 3143 1886 1886 6528 39227 1920 432 0 2352 36875
BPS-12 19770 2940 2856 1500 3330 1998 1998 6920 41312 3300 480 0 3780 37532
BPS-13 21160 3135 2856 1500 3565 2139 2139 7406 43900 3570 528 0 4098 39802
BPS-14 22530 3321 2856 1500 3795 2277 2277 7886 46442 3900 528 0 4428 42014
BPS-15 23920 3524 2856 1500 4030 2418 2418 8372 49038 4290 576 0 4866 44172
BPS-16 28070 4091 5000 1500 4728 2837 2837 9825 58888 4960 672 654 6286 52602
BPS-17 45070 6650 5000 1848 7593 4556 4556 13521 88794 6350 960 872 8182 80612
BPS-18 56880 8715 5000 2421 9588 5753 5753 17064 111174 7960 960 981 9901 101273
Note: GB Employees will also get an ARA @ 20% Allowance in 2020
See also  Notification of Hill Area Allowance to Employees Working in Fort Munro & Tehsil Tribal Area (Koh-e-Sulman)

Chart of Salary New Appointed Employee 2023-24 Pay Scale Wise


The Federal employees who get appointments in the following cities will also get Hiring of Residential Accommodation i.e special rent of their self house or rented house:


  • Islamabad
  • Rawalpindi
  • Peshawar
  • Quetta
  • Karachi
  • Lahore



Other Cities Salary Chart Federal, Punjab, GB, AJ&K, and Balochistan (2023-24)

Other Cities HRA @ 30% of Initial of 2008 BPS + 50% Increase 
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance/DRA 2021 @ 25% Special Allowance/DRA 2022 @ 15% ARA-2022 @ 15% ARA-2023 @ 35% and 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 1337 1785 1500 2283 1370 1370 4743 27938 600 336 0 936 27938
BPS-02 13820 1367 1785 1500 2328 1397 1397 4837 28431 1060 336 0 1396 27035
BPS-03 14260 1413 1785 1500 2403 1442 1442 4991 29236 1150 336 0 1486 27750
BPS-04 14690 1458 1785 1500 2475 1485 1485 5142 30020 1230 336 0 1566 28454
BPS-05 15230 1503 1932 1500 2565 1539 1539 5331 31139 1330 384 0 1714 29425
BPS-06 15760 1544 1932 1500 2655 1593 1593 5516 32093 1420 384 0 1804 30289
BPS-07 16310 1589 1932 1500 2748 1649 1649 5709 33086 1500 384 0 1884 31202
BPS-08 16890 1650 1932 1500 2845 1707 1707 5912 34143 1600 384 0 1984 32159
BPS-09 17470 1719 1932 1500 2943 1766 1766 6115 35211 1700 432 0 2132 33079
BPS-10 18050 1781 1932 1500 3040 1824 1824 6318 36269 1800 432 0 2232 34037
BPS-11 18650 1853 2856 1500 3143 1886 1886 6528 38302 1920 432 0 2352 35950
BPS-12 19770 1961 2856 1500 3330 1998 1998 6920 40333 3300 480 0 3780 36553
BPS-13 21160 2091 2856 1500 3565 2139 2139 7406 42856 3570 528 0 4098 38758
BPS-14 22530 2214 2856 1500 3795 2277 2277 7886 45335 3900 528 0 4428 40907
BPS-15 23920 2349 2856 1500 4030 2418 2418 8372 47863 4290 576 0 4866 42997
BPS-16 28070 2727 5000 1500 4728 2837 2837 9825 57524 4960 672 654 6286 51238
BPS-17 45070 4433 5000 1848 7593 4556 4556 13521 86577 6350 960 872 8182 78395
BPS-18 56880 5810 5000 2421 9588 5753 5753 17064 108269 7960 960 981 9901 98368
Note: GB Employees will also get a 20% Allowance in 2020


Salary Chart For Sindh Govt Employee Basic Pay Scale Wise (2023-24)

Big Cities HRA @ 45% of Initial of 2008 BPS + 50% Increase 
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Personal Allowances Differential Allowance 2022 34.35% (BPS-01 to BPS-15) & 31.7% BPS-16 to BPS-22) ARA-2022 @ 15% ARA-2023 @ 35% & 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 2006 1785 1500 1900 3136 1370 4743 29990 600 336 936 29054
BPS-02 13820 2049 1785 1500 1500 3198 1397 4837 30086 1060 336 1396 28690
BPS-03 14260 2120 1785 1500 900 3301 1442 4991 30299 1150 336 1486 28813
BPS-04 14690 2187 1785 1500 250 3401 1485 5142 30440 1230 336 1566 28874
BPS-05 15230 2255 1932 1500 250 3524 1539 5331 31561 1330 384 1714 29847
BPS-06 15760 2316 1932 1500 0 3648 1593 5516 32265 1420 384 1804 30461
BPS-07 16310 2384 1932 1500 0 3775 1649 5709 33259 1500 384 1884 31375
BPS-08 16890 2474 1932 1500 0 3909 1707 5912 34324 1600 384 1984 32340
BPS-09 17470 2579 1932 1500 0 4043 1766 6115 35405 1700 432 2132 33273
BPS-10 18050 2670 1932 1500 0 4177 1824 6318 36471 1800 432 2232 34239
BPS-11 18650 2778 2856 1500 0 4318 1886 6528 38516 1920 432 2352 36164
BPS-12 19770 2940 2856 1500 0 4575 1998 6920 40559 3300 480 3780 36779
BPS-13 21160 3135 2856 1500 0 4898 2139 7406 43094 3570 528 4098 38996
BPS-14 22530 3321 2856 1500 0 5214 2277 7886 45584 3900 528 4428 41156
BPS-15 23920 3524 2856 1500 0 5537 2418 8372 48127 4290 576 4866 43261
BPS-16 28070 4091 5000 1500 0 5994 2837 9825 57317 4960 672 654 6286 51031
BPS-17 45070 6650 5000 1848 0 9627 4556 13521 86272 6350 960 872 8182 78090
BPS-18 56880 8715 5000 2421 0 12157 5753 17064 107990 7960 960 981 9901 98089
See also  Grant of Utility Allowance Upon Time Scale Personal Upgradation Sindh



Other Cities Salary Chart For Sindh Govt Employee Basic Pay Scale Wise (2023-24)

HRA @ 30% of Initial of 2008 BPS + 50% Increase 
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Personal Allowance Differential Allowance 2022 34.35% (BPS-01 to BPS-15) & 31.7% BPS-16 to BPS-22) ARA-2022 @ 15% ARA-2023 @ 35% & 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 1337 1785 1500 1900 3136 1370 4743 29321 600 336 936 28385
BPS-02 13820 1367 1785 1500 1500 3198 1397 4837 29404 1060 336 1396 28008
BPS-03 14260 1413 1785 1500 900 3301 1442 4991 29592 1150 336 1486 28106
BPS-04 14690 1458 1785 1500 250 3401 1485 5142 29711 1230 336 1566 28145
BPS-05 15230 1503 1932 1500 250 3524 1539 5331 30809 1330 384 1714 29095
BPS-06 15760 1544 1932 1500 0 3648 1593 5516 31493 1420 384 1804 29689
BPS-07 16310 1589 1932 1500 0 3775 1649 5709 32464 1500 384 1884 30580
BPS-08 16890 1650 1932 1500 0 3909 1707 5912 33500 1600 384 1984 31516
BPS-09 17470 1719 1932 1500 0 4043 1766 6115 34545 1700 432 2132 32413
BPS-10 18050 1781 1932 1500 0 4177 1824 6318 35582 1800 432 2232 33350
BPS-11 18650 1853 2856 1500 0 4318 1886 6528 37591 1920 432 2352 35239
BPS-12 19770 1961 2856 1500 0 4575 1998 6920 39580 3300 480 3780 35800
BPS-13 21160 2091 2856 1500 0 4898 2139 7406 42050 3570 528 4098 37952
BPS-14 22530 2214 2856 1500 0 5214 2277 7886 44477 3900 528 4428 40049
BPS-15 23920 2349 2856 1500 0 5537 2418 8372 46952 4290 576 4866 42086
BPS-16 28070 2727 5000 1500 0 5994 2837 9825 55953 4960 672 654 6286 49667
BPS-17 45070 4433 5000 1848 0 9627 4556 13521 84055 6350 960 872 8182 75873
BPS-18 56880 5810 5000 2421 0 12157 5753 17064 105085 7960 960 981 9901 95184

Salary Chart For Sindh Govt Employee Basic Pay Scale Wise (2023-24)


Pay and Allowances Chart Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Fresh Appointed Employee 2023-2024

KP (Only Peshawar)
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance 2021 Special Allowance/DRA 2022 @ 15% ARA-2022 @ 15% ARA-2023 @ 35% & 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 2,697 1785 1500 1370 1370 4743 27015 600 336 936 26079
BPS-02 13820 2,719 1785 1500 1397 1397 4837 27455 1060 336 1396 26059
BPS-03 14260 3,542 1785 1500 1442 1442 4991 28962 1150 336 1486 27476
BPS-04 14690 3,576 1785 1500 1485 1485 5142 29663 1230 336 1566 28097
BPS-05 15230 3,310 1932 1500 1539 1539 5331 30381 1330 384 1714 28667
BPS-06 15760 3,640 1932 1500 1593 1593 5516 31534 1420 384 1804 29730
BPS-07 16310 4,968 1932 1500 3500 1649 1649 5709 37217 1500 384 1884 35333
BPS-08 16890 5,013 1932 1500 3500 1707 1707 5912 38161 1600 384 1984 36177
BPS-09 17470 5,066 1932 1500 3500 1766 1766 6115 39115 1700 432 2132 36983
BPS-10 18050 5,111 1932 1500 3500 1824 1824 6318 40059 1800 432 2232 37827
BPS-11 18650 6,909 2856 1500 3500 1886 1886 6528 43715 1920 432 2352 41363
BPS-12 19770 6,990 2856 1500 3500 1998 1998 6920 45532 3300 480 3780 41752
BPS-13 21160 7,088 2856 1500 3500 2139 2139 7406 47788 3570 528 4098 43690
BPS-14 22530 8,640 2856 1500 3500 2277 2277 7886 51466 3900 528 4428 47038
BPS-15 23920 8,741 2856 1500 3500 2418 2418 8372 53725 4290 576 4866 48859
BPS-16 28070 9,024 5000 1500 3500 2837 2837 9825 62593 4960 672 654 6286 56307
BPS-17 45070 12,557 5000 1848 4556 4556 13521 87108 6350 960 872 8182 78926
BPS-18 56880 13,590 5000 2421 5753 5753 17064 106461 7960 960 981 9901 96560
See also  Grant of 50% Enhancement in the Existing Judicial Allowance IRO Employees of LHC

Pay and Allowances Table KP New Appointed Civil Servant 2023-24


Salary Chart Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Fresh Appointed Employee 2023-2024

KP (Other Cities Excluding Peshawar)
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance 2021 Special Allowance/DRA 2022 @ 15% ARA-2022 @ 15% ARA-2023 @ 35% & 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 2,005 1785 1500 1370 1370 4743 26323 600 336 936 25387
BPS-02 13820 2,049 1785 1500 1397 1397 4837 26785 1060 336 1396 25389
BPS-03 14260 2,120 1785 1500 1442 1442 4991 27540 1150 336 1486 26054
BPS-04 14690 2,187 1785 1500 1485 1485 5142 28274 1230 336 1566 26708
BPS-05 15230 2,255 1932 1500 1539 1539 5331 29326 1330 384 1714 27612
BPS-06 15760 2,315 1932 1500 1593 1593 5516 30209 1420 384 1804 28405
BPS-07 16310 2,383 1932 1500 3500 1649 1649 5709 34632 1500 384 1884 32748
BPS-08 16890 2,474 1932 1500 3500 1707 1707 5912 35622 1600 384 1984 33638
BPS-09 17470 2,579 1932 1500 3500 1766 1766 6115 36628 1700 432 2132 34496
BPS-10 18050 2,670 1932 1500 3500 1824 1824 6318 37618 1800 432 2232 35386
BPS-11 18650 2,778 2856 1500 3500 1886 1886 6528 39584 1920 432 2352 37232
BPS-12 19770 2,940 2856 1500 3500 1998 1998 6920 41482 3300 480 3780 37702
BPS-13 21160 3,135 2856 1500 3500 2139 2139 7406 43835 3570 528 4098 39737
BPS-14 22530 3,321 2856 1500 3500 2277 2277 7886 46147 3900 528 4428 41719
BPS-15 23920 3,524 2856 1500 3500 2418 2418 8372 48508 4290 576 4866 43642
BPS-16 28070 4,091 5000 1500 3500 2837 2837 9825 57660 4960 672 654 6286 51374
BPS-17 45070 6,649 5000 1848 4556 4556 13521 81200 6350 960 872 8182 73018
BPS-18 56880 8,714 5000 2421 5753 5753 17064 101585 7960 960 981 9901 91684

Chart of Salary New Appointed Employee 2023-24 Pay Scale Wise KP Other Cities


Integrated Allowance, Washing Allowance, Dress Allowance KP


The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government Class Four Employees will also get the following integrated allowance, Washing Allowance, and Dress Allowance:


Sr. No Name of Allowance Rate of Allowance
1 Integrated Allowance KP Rs. 600/- Per Month
2 Washing Allowance (WA) Rs. 1000/- Per Month
3 Dress Allowance (DA) Rs. 1000/- Per Month

Designation Wise Some Salary Details


I am giving you the details of some of the general posts’ salaries. These posts/designations salaries are as under:


  • Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Salary
  • Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Salary
  • Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali, and Sweeper Salary
  • Lab Attendant Salary
  • Library Assistant Salary


Upper Division Clerk (UDC) /Senior Clerk Salary


The post of UDC has different pay scales, In Federal the Basic Pay Scale of UDC is BPS-13 while in all other Provinces UDC has BPS-14. Federal Government issued the Notification of Upgradation BPS-01 to BPS-16 post including clerical staff in February 2023. So the pay of UDC is as under:


Salary of UDC/ Senior Clerk (Federal) = Rs. 40972/-

Salary of UDC/ Senior Clerk (All Provinces) = Rs. 43294/-


Salar of Junior Clerk / LDC


The LDC has BPS-11 in Federal and Provinces so the salary is as under for LDC/JC:

Rs. 37505/-


Salary of Steno Typist BPS-14 = Rs. 43294/-



Salary of Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali and Sweeper Salary



The initial appointment of Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali, and Sweeper in most of the departments is BPS-01 and the starting salary of these BPS-01 posts is Rs.27871/-



Lab Attendant Salary


The lab attendant in most of the departments is appointed in BPS-02 and the pay and allowances after deduction of GP Fund, Group Insurance, and BF is about Rs. 28067/-



These salaries may also be different depending on the department and place of posting.

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4 thoughts on “Pay and Allowances (Salary) New Appointed Employee 2023-24 Pakistan BPS-01 to BPS-18

  1. Muhammed Maghfoor Anwer · Edit

    Newd clarification
    Your chart shows adhoc relief allowance 2023 @ 30 or 35 % is based on initial basic pay of 2022 scales but in details you mentioned 30 or 35 % of initial basic of 2017 scales. Plz clarify and rectify



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