Notification Schedule of Wage Rate 2023 Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 02-11-2023 in connection with the Schedule of Wage Rate 2023 Punjab. The details are as under:


Finance Department Punjab Notification Schedule of Wage Rate 2023 Punjab


Government of Punjab finance department on the order of the government of Punjab approves the schedule of wage rate 2023 with effect from the first of July 2023. the complete schedule of wage rate 2022 Stand Sir superseded accordingly. Apartment of work charred employees shall be made in accordance with the procedure in their preface of the schedule of wage rate 2023. The ICT has already issued the Notification of monthly and daily wage rates 2023 for the workers. The schedule of wage rate 2023 is approved for the following employees’ cadres:


  1. Civil Trades
  2. Mechanical Trades
  3. Electrical trades


For all these Categories the rates are mentioned on a Monthly Basis.


The Superintendent Printing Press Government of Punjab received this notification.


Schedule of Wage Rate 2023 Punjab for Electrical Trades

Sr.No Labour Type Wage Rate Per Day
1. Labour In Skilled Rs.32,050
2. Labour Semi Skilled Rs. 33,150
3. Labour Skilled Category iV Rs.34,966
4. Labour Skilled Category-II Rs. 37,157
5. Labour Skilled Grade-I Rs. 37,137


Civil Trades

Sr.No Labour Type Wage Rate Per Day
1. Labour Unskilled Rs.32,000
2. Labour Semi Skilled Rs.33,150
3. Labour Skilled Grade -iv Rs.33,150
4. Labour Skilled Grade -III Rs.36069
5. Labour Skilled Grade -II Rs.37,157
6. Labour Skilled Grade -I Rs.43,900
7. Miscellaneous Rs.32000
See also  National Assembly Resolution Move to Increase Basic Salaries and Equalize Pension to Basic Pay


Mechanical Trades

Sr.No Labour Type Wage Rate Per Day
1. Labour un-Skilled Rs.32,000
2. Labour Semi-Skilled Rs.33,150
3. Labour Skilled Grade -iv Rs.34,966
4. Labour Skilled Grade -III Rs.36,069
5. Labour Skilled Grade-II Rs.37,1597
6. Labour Skilled Grade-I Rs.39,225
7. Miscellaneous Rs.32,050


Daily Wage Rate 2023


Sr.No Labour Type Wage Rate Per Day
Unskilled Cooly
1. Chowkidaar Rs.1231
2. Gate Keeper
3. Beildar
4. Bullock man
5. Cart man
6. Camel man
7. Donkey cart Man
8. Greaser
9. Oiler
10. Punkla Cooly
11. Sweeper
12. White Washer
13. Cooly Unskilled
14. Sanitary Worker
Semi Skilled Cooly
1. Bahishti Rs.1250
2. Chairman
3. Dresser Earthwork
4. Head Khlaasi  Server
5. Hammer Man
6. Maali
7. Quarry Man
8. Cooly
9. The Sprayer
10. Aircraft Cleaner
Skilled Cooly
1. Armature Winder  



2. Auto Electric Mechanic
3. Black Smith
4. Carpenter
5. Chisel
6. Carter

 Wage Rates



Sr.No Labour Type Wage Rate Per Day
1. Denter Rs.1473
2. Driller
3. Driver
4. Electrician
5. Furniture Polisher
6. Glazier
7. Instrument Mechanic
8. Machine Man
9. Mason Rs.1600
10. Motor Winder Rs.1473
11. Moulder
12. Mechanic
13. Painter
14. Pattern Maker
15. Pipe Fitter
16. Plumber
17. Spray Painter
18. Turner
19. Tailor
20. The Smith
21. Welder


Daily Wage Rate Miscellaneous

Sr.No Labour Type Wage Rate Per Day
1. Boatman Rs.1473
2. Bullock  Carts Rs.309
3. Camel Cart Rs.350
4. Donkey Cart Rs.300
5. Mule Cart Rs.300
6. Unskilled Worker Rs.153.85
7. Semi Skilled Worker Rs.156.31
8. Skilled Worker Rs.184.13



Notification Schedule of Wage Rate 2023 Punjab




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