BPS-01 to BPS-17 Vacancies in University of Health Sciences 2023

There is a recent announcement of the University of Health Sciences Lahore Latest Vacancies 2023. There are various vacant positions in the university of different Grades of BPS-01 to BPS-17. The University is an equal opportunity provider. LHS University is a public sector organization with one of the best learning and working environments. It always provides the best opportunities for personal and professional growth. It offers jobs to Punjab domicile holders. Spirants with meeting requirements are welcome to apply.


The University of Health Sciences Lahore Latest Vacancies 2023

Sr.No Job Name Basic Pay Scale Total Vacancies Qualification Required
1. Assistant Librarian BPS-17 01 Masters Degree in Library Sciences /Information Sciences
2. Information Officer BPS-17 02 Masters Degree in Mass Communication/Information Sciences
3. Progress Officer BPS-16 01 Masters Degree in Statistics /Information sciences
4. Sub Engineer Civil BPS-14 01 Matric Pas/Civil Engineering Diploma
5. Sub Engineer Electrical BPS-14 01 Matric Pas/Electrical  Engineering Diploma
6. Draftsman BPS-13 01 Matric Pass/Diploma of Draftsman
7. Cashier BPS-11 01 B.Com
8. Security Supervisor BPS-11 01 Ex. Army Officer
9. Security Guard BPS-06 04 Ex. Army Officer
10. Electrician BPS-04 03 Matric Pass/Diploma Holder
11. Plumber BPS-04 03 Matric Pass /Experienced
12. AC Mechanic BPS-03 03 Matric Pass/Diploma Holder
13. Painter BPS-03 02 Literate
14. Cook BPS-02 01 Matric Pass
15. Carpenter BPS-03 02 Matric Pass /Experienced
16. Lift Operator BPS-01 04 Matric
17. Waiter BPS-01 04 Matric
18. Gardener BPS-01 12 Secondary School Certificate
19. Coolly BPS-01 05 Literate
20. Naib Qasid BPS-01 10 Matric
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BPS-01 to BPS-17 Jobs in University of Health Sciences
Process to Apply


  1. Apply online after filling out an online application.
  2. Upload the Fee Challan Form with the application.
  3. Apply before 23rd November,2023.
  4. Check the required criteria before applying.
  5. Public servants must have NOC.
  6. Only Punjab Domicile holders can apply.


Application Fee Structure


Sr.No Basic Pay Scale Application Fee
1. BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs. 100
2. BPS-01 to BPS-16 Rs.500
3. BPS-17 to above Rs.1000

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