BPS-18 to BPS-19 PIMS Islamabad Vacancies through FPSC (Ad No. 13/2023)

A number of BPS-18 to BPS-19 PIMS Vacancies through FPSC vide Ad No. 13/2023 for the posts of Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and Senior Registrars have been announced.

Ad No. 13/2023 BPS-18 to BPS-19 PIMS Islamabad Vacancies through FPSC


Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan releases consolidated advertisement No.13/2023. It shows the cancellation of advertisement No.11/223 for recruitment against the posts of PIMS Islamabad.


Sr.No Name of Vacancies Total Posts
1. 1.      Associate Professor

2.      Assistant Professor

3.      Senior Registrar

Online Registration is open till 4th Dec 2023

Due to malfunction of IT application database. Therefore all such cases or vacancies are advertised again with partially new conditions. The desiring candidates may apply online up to 04th December 2023 for the mentioned vacancies. All already applicants of consolidated advertisement are also advised to apply afresh.


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Specialization /Department No. of Post
1. Associate Professor BS-19 1.      Anesthesia

2.      Clinical Hematology

3.      Nephrology

4.      Pathology

5.      Psychology

6.      Radiology

7.      General Medicine

8.      Obstetrics and Gynecology

9.      Pulmonology


(01 or each department)

2. Assistant Professor


BS-18 1.      Anesthesia

2.      Cardiology

3.      Clinical Care Medicine

4.       Dental Surgery

5.      Emergency Medicine

6.       Ent

7.      General Surgery

8.      General Medicine

9.       Neurosurgery

10.    Neurology

11.    Oncology

12.   Ophthalmology

13.    Orthopedic

14.    Paeds Medicine

15.   Paeds Surgery

16.    Plastic Surgery

17.   Pulmonology

18.    Radiology

19.    Rheumatology

20.    Urology

3. Senior Registrar BS-18 1.      Anesthesia

2.      Burn Surgery

3.      Cardiac Surgery

4.       Cardiology Critical

5.      Care Medicine

6.       Dental Surgery

7.       Dermatology

8.       ENT

9.      Emergency

10.   Gastroenterology

11.    General Medicine

12.    General Surgery

13.    Infectious Disease

14.    Nephrology

15.    Neonatology

16.    Neurology

17.    Neurosurgery

18.    Obstetric Gynecology

19.   Ophthalmology

20.    Orthopedic

21.   Peed Surgery

22.   Paeds Medicine

23.    Paeds Oncology

24.    Pathology

25.   Plastic Surgery

26.   Psychiatry

27.   Rheumatology

28.   Infectious Disease

29.   Urology

Process to Apply


Online applications are acceptable. Eligible candidates can visit the FPSC website for online application.


Registration Fee


Sr.No Basic Pay Scale Registration Fee
1. BPS-16 to BPS-17 Rs.300/-
2. BPS-18 Rs.750/-
3. BPS-19 Rs.1200/-
4. BPS-20 and above Rs.1500/-

Dpwnload Federal Public Service Commission Vacancies Ad No. 13 0f 2023




BPS-18 to BPS-19 PIMS Islamabad Vacancies through FPSC (Ad No. 13 of 2023)




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