New Vacancies in University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Nov 2023

I am sharing the Latest Vacancies in UVAS 2023. The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore announces new vacant Positions. The vacancies are available in various projects at the Institute of Continuing Education and Extension. The applications are available on a contract basis. The applicants serve their services till the completion of the project. The minimum contract period for all jobs except Trainer is 01-Year. The duration of services for the post of Trainer is 06-Months which is extendable. The applicants must show the best skills of the whole experience to finalize the project.


The Latest Vacancies in UVAS 2023


 The salary packages are so attractive and satisfactory.  Therefore, the applicants who fulfill the eligibility criteria or other conditions are appreciated to apply.

Sr.No Department/Organization No.of Seats Qualification Salary Packages
1. University of Veterinary 37 Matric//BBA/BS/M.Phill Rs.30,000 to Rs.200,000

There are 04 Major Vacant posts with 37 vacancies. The seats are limited. The applicants feel they meet the requirements and have a golden opportunity to get more professional experience through working on this project.


  1. Project Manager
  2. Trainer
  3. Social Mobilizer
  4. Project Assistant

Sr.No Position or Designation No.of Posts Qualification Salary
1. Project Manager 01 M.Phil Rs.200,000
2. Trainer 28 BS in Agriculture Sciences Rs.75,000
3. Social Mobilizer 07 Matric Rs.30,000
4. Project Assistant 01 BBA Rs.50,000

The above-typed jobs were also included in the Pakistan Software Export Board Vacancies 2023. these jobs were announced in Feb 2023.


Process of Submission Applications


See also  Jobs in Information Technology University 2019

The university accepts Online applications from Pakistani nationals. The E-Portal is open for online application submission. The applicant also submits a hard copy of the online application to the registrar of the University. There is no option for editing any information in the online application form after submitting it. So, applicants must fill up the correct information carefully. The portal is only open till 01-12-2023. The application must be submitted before the due date.


Salary Packages


Position or Designation Salary
Project Manager Rs.200,000
Trainer Rs.75,000
Social Mobilizer Rs.30,000
Project Assistant Rs.50,000

Eligibility Criteria


Only Punjab domicile holders can apply who are not married to a foreign national. The applicant has to pay Rs.1000/- as an Application verification fee.


The Latest Vacancies in UVAS 2023

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