Working Papers for Upgradation of BPS of Lecture Assistant Cadre Punjab

The Directorate of Public Instruction (Colleges) Punjab issued a letter to all the Directors of Education (Colleges) in Punjab on 24-11-2023 in connection with Working Papers for Upgradation of BPS of Lecture Assistant Cadre Punjab. The details are as under:

Updates of Upgradation of BPS of Lecture Assistant Cadre Punjab


I am directed to state that the Government of the Punjab Higher Education Department vide order No. SO (DM)WP-55573/22 dated 24th October 2023 has desired to submit working papers for the up-gradation of the Basic Pay Scales of Lecture Assistant cadre for onward submission to the Finance Department for further proceedings. Moreover, it is added that presently 3142 posts 177 Males + 1765 Females of the lecture assistant cadre are cooperated in the existing 4-tier service structure @ 3:19:36:42 applicable with effect from 17th February 2023.

Therefore, you are hereby requested to provide the following information more male & female separately in the format:


Name of the post and Basic Scales Existing Present pay for one post No of posts (Note: detail of each district/college may be provided in separate also) Present Budget Proposed Budget Scale in up-graded in BPS-11, 14, 16 & 17 respectively Difference of Amount

Up-Gradation of Posts Designation


The above data is for the following posts:


Sr. No Name of Post Existing BPS
1 Lecture Assistant BPS-07
2 Senior Lecture Assistant BPS-10
3 Lab Supervisor BPS-14
4 Lab Superintendent BPS-16

Working Papers for Upgradation of BPS of Lecture Assistant Cadre Punjab



Benefits for Employees


After the implementation of this cadre / four-tier service structure lecture assistants will affect the concerned employees a lot. These cadre employees will have now higher pay scales in a large number. Both male and female employees will have better pay scales hence a better salary package. They will also have a quick promotion process. Before this, they took much time to go to the higher pay scale. Such type of service structure should also be for all other employees of this cader in other provinces and federal.

See also  Service Structure / Mechanism of Various Isolated Posts of BPS-01 to BPS-04 of Secretariat Staff


Special Thanks
Mauhid Waseem
Govt. Associate College for Boys, Bedian Road, Lahore

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