Notification Guidelines Regarding Recruitment Against Deceased Quota & PM Assistance Package

The Election Commission of Pakistan issued a Notification on 16-11-2023 in connection with Guidelines Regarding Recruitment Against Deceased Quota. The details are as under:


Guidelines Regarding Recruitment Against Deceased Quota & PM Assistance Package


Additional Director General Election Commission of Pakistan wrote a letter to the main important authorities. The letter is to request guidelines regarding recruitment against deceased quota or PM Assistance Package. However, this Commission is receiving cases for concurrence regarding appointments. The appointments are offered against the Prime Minister’s Assistance and Deceased Son’s quota jobs. The committee follows the relevant rules and regulations.

Establishment Department KPK issues a letter regarding above mention subject. The ECP issued this letter on 16-11-2023. As the ECP Islamabad is self-explanatory for information and strict compliance, please. Therefore, the Relevant Ministry/Division or department is responsible for dealing with the cases against the recruitment process. The recruitment process will streamline for candidates against the Prime Minister Assistance Package and Deceased quota.


Uplift Ban on Recruitment Categories


After the dissolution of the National and Provincial Assembly, the Hon’ble Commission imposed a ban on all kinds of new recruitments. Now the competent authority has lifted the ban from following quota for recruitment.


  1. Provincial Government Deceased Son Quota
  2. Prime Minister Assistance Package



Notification Guidelines Regarding Recruitment Against Deceased Quota


Appointment PM Package ECP

See also  Notification Conveyance Allowance 2012

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