Cadet College WANA BPS-02 to BPS-17 Vacancies 2023

Teaching and Non-Teaching Cadet College WANA BPS-02 to BPS-17 Vacancies 2023 have been advertised.  The age limit for these jobs in WANA Cadet College are 40 years to 55 years. The closing date to apply for these vacancies is 10th January 2024.


The Latest Cadet College WANA BPS-02 to BPS-17 Vacancies 2023


The details of the Vacancies, their BPS and Qualifications for the WANA Cadet College Jobs are as under:



Sr No. Name of post BPS Qualification
1 Lecturer in Physical 17 physics 1st /2nd division with B.ED/m.ed preferably M.Phil.
2 Lecturer in Urdu 17 M.A Urdu 1s/2nd division with B.ed/m,ed preferably m.phil
3 Administration Officer 17 Master’s degree in public/business administration/1st/2nd division preferably M.Phil.


Retired sm/em/honorary captain from Pakistan army

4 Senior Clerk 9 Intermediate with typing speed 30 words per minute


Hav / nk cik retired from the armed force

5 Telephone Operator 5 a.      Skilled.

b.     Literate (able to read and write)

c.      Ex-serviceman will be given preference


6 Cook 5 skilled
7 Generator Operator 3 skilled
8 House Bearer 2 skilled
9 Mess Bears 2 skilled
10 Sanitary Worker 2 Med cat aye


Cadet College WANA BPS-02 to BPS-17 Vacancies 2023



The successful candidates will remain on probation period for a minimum period of one year the authorities may extend as per Government rules. The already Government employees will have to get a No Objection Certificate from their concerned offices.



See also  New Job Vacancies in DGPR Balochistan May 2023

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