Special Training Allowance Allotment of New Head of Account Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 29-12-2023 in connection with the Special Training Allowance Allotment of the New Head of Account (Correction Slip. No.634).

Special Training Allowance Allotment of New Head of Account Punjab

Finance Department of the Government of Punjab issues a letter to all competent authorities on 29th December 2023. The letter is about the allotment of a New Head of Accounts in the Chart of Accounts (CoA). The change is for Federal and Provincial Government Receipts and Disbursement.

The Deputy Secretary of Budget, Finance Department directs you to reproduce here the correction slip #634. It introduces the New Object Code, and Entity Code in the Chart of Accounts for provincial as well as federal and district government. Controller General of Accounts Islamabad issued it.


Main Object




Employee Revised Expenditure


Minor Object A012


Detailed Object New A0125A Special Training Allowance

Correction Slip. No.634


The new object code along with entity code is a change in the chart of accounts for the provincial federal and district governments of Punjab.

  1. The Main Object A01 is about Employees Revised Expenditure.
  2. The minor object A012 is about Allowances.
  3. the detailed object which is new is 0125 a is about Special Training Allowances.


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Special Training Allowance Allotment of New Head of Account

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