Notification Extension Winter Vacation 2024 till 13-01-2024 KP (Primary)

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Elementary & Secondary Education Department issued a Notification on 07-01-2024 in connection with the Extension of Winter Vacation 2024 till 13-01-2024 KP all private and public Primary schools/sections. The details are as under:

Extension Winter Vacation 2024 till 13-01-2024 KP Primary Schools


According to the Notification, the new orders for the extension of winter holidays in KPK are for the primary schools/primary sections of middle and high schools. The students from class 6th to above will attend the classes. The schools will have different opening and closing timings.


The government of the KPK Elementary and Secondary Education Department issued a notification on 7th January 2024.  In the notification, all the competent authorities are informed that the government of KPK extended the winter vacations in summer zones up to 13th January 2024. The extension in winter vacation is also for all public and primary schools.

All the public and private schools where the classes are arranged for play groups up to 5th standard will be closed up to 13th January 2024 until the next order. All these categories of schools throughout the province due to prevailing cold weather conditions are included to remain closed during the mentioned days.



School Opening/Closing Time

In the same way, the Provincial Government has also changed the school opening and school closing times for middle and high classes.


Before this Punjab Government issued the Notification extension winter holidays 2024 till 9th Jan 2024. From the Punjab side, there is no extension in winter vacation for the students.

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Secretary Elementary and Secondary Education Department KPK announces extension in winter vacations due to severe cold weather conditions.

  1. According to the notification, the school opening time will be 9:30 AM instead of 8:30 AM.
  2. The school closing time will be 3:30 PM instead of 2:30 PM.

In the coming week, the coldest wave will enter many areas of Pakistan. There may be snowfall. Therefore, After Taking suggestions from other competent authorities the government decides to extend the vacations up to 13th January 2024.


Schedule of School Timing


During an extended week of vacation, every school will follow the following school timing in middle high and higher secondary wings.


School Opening Time


9:30 AM instead of 8:30 AM
School Closing Time 3:30 PM instead of 2:30 PM


The above timing schedule of school opening and school closing is for one week. After one week of school timing will be as usual. The authorities will also follow the instructions. They will keep check and balance on all public and private schools whether they are following the instructions or not.




Notification Extension Winter Vacation 2024 till 13-01-2024 KP (Primary)

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