Notification Launching Books of Islamiat and Pakistan Studies for 100 Marks in SSC Examinations

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore issued a Notification on 29-12-2023 in connection with Launching Books of Islamiat and Pakistan Studies for 100 Marks in SSC Examinations in BISEs Punjab. The details are as under:

Launching Books of Islamiat and Pakistan Studies for 100 Marks in SSC Examinations

The Controller of Examination Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Lahore issues a letter to the Managing Director Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board Lahore. The subject of the letter Is about the launching of books on Islamiat in the 9th Class. As well as Pakistan studies in the 10th class for 100 marks each in the SSC examination in BISEs in Punjab.

This is to state that as per the prevailing practice and under the provision of the scheme of studies for the SSC level. The papers in subjects of Islamiat compulsory and Pakistan studies compulsory are conducted at the secondary school certificate level. The examination of these subjects carrying 100 marks each is conducted in 02 parts like 9th and 10th.  And each part carries 50 marks.

It is pertinent to mention here that on the instructions received from the government of Punjab. A subject of Tajima tul Quran Majeed has also been added to the scheme of studies.  The board took the examination of the paper of this subject in the SSC 1st and 2nd annual examination 2023.


Conducting Separate Exam for Islamiat and Pakistan Studies in SSC-I and II


Now a student has to attempt 9 subjects in one part. A proposal about conducting a paper on Islamiat compulsory and Pakistan compulsory at the SSC level. The suggestion is to take the exam separately for 100 marks in each part. Instead of both parts of the SSC examination. The suggestion is deliberated by the Punjab board committee of chairperson. It was approved and decided as below:

See also  FBISE Islamabad Fee Notification and Schedule HSSC Annual Exams 2021

The proposed Intervention was deliberation upon and approved the same as it would reduce the commutative number of papers from 9th to 8th (part -I and part -II each). It is for the candidates of secondary school certificate examination.


Revision of Scheme of Studies SSC-I and II


 Further decided that the matter may be taken up with PBCC to revise the scheme accordingly. It will also launch books on Islamiat and Pakistan studies with modern papers of 100 marks for both subjects. The scheme of studies is only for the SSC-I and SSC-II respectively. For the session of 2024- 2026 the paper will be administered 100 marks for Islamiat in SSC part -I in 2025. And 100 marks for the Pakistan studies in SSC Part -II in 2026.


Publishing of Textbooks for SSC Level


The controller of examination also requested the PTB to kindly initiate the work of publishing and releasing books. Especially the books of Islamiat compulsory with model paper of 100 marks for 9th Class. The students will get these books for the year 2024. And a book on Pakistan Studies with the model paper of 100 marks for the students of the 10th class for the year 2025.


Launching Books of Islamiat and Pakistan Studies for 100 Marks in SSC Examinations

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