Non-Teaching Vacancies of Security Guards in Govt College Women University Faisalabad

Govt College Women University Faisalabad has announced the Non-Teaching Vacancies of Security Guards. The age limit for these jobs is 18 to 30 years and 18 to 25 years. The details are as under:

Non-Teaching Vacancies of Security Guards 2024 in GCWU Faisalabad


Sr, No  Position No of post Criteria
1 Security Guard BPL basis age limit (18-30) 05 (I) Ex-serviceman not below the rank of L/Naik equivalent rank from forces

(II)              Not retied on medical or disciplinary  ground

(III)            Experience is a security matter and

(IV)            Two years are not passed after retirement


(I)               Higher secondary school certificates (second division) or equivalent qualification from a recognized board and

(II)              Height =5.6*

2 Security guard (female) DPS basis age limit (18-30­) 02 (I)               Higher secondary school certificate (second division) or equivalent qualification board: and

(II)              Height=5”6*




3 Sanitary worker DPL basis age limit (18-25) 05 Hiddle/literate


Terms and Conditions


  1. The candidates applying against the above-mentioned post are required to apply through the prescribed application form available on the website of the university (
  2. All applications are required to submit three. Hard copies of application forms along with updated CV, attested copies of HEC recognized degree, DMCS I>D card result card certificates, testimonials, photograph (1×1) experience certificates (if applicable) & NOC (prom existing job if any) request for age relation (if required and all required mentioned documents as per service studious the university.
  3. Application forms should be submitted with a demand draft of Rs. 500/- in favor of Treasure Government College Women University, Faisalabad.
  4. Incomplete applications received after the due date will not be entered.
  5. The candidate already in service (government or government) must apply through the proper channel by the due date.
  6. Experience certificates duly issued by the concerned hear(S) of the institute/complement authority must be attached no advantage for incomplete certificates will be given
  7. The application and document showing age qualification experience and other credentials of the candidates prescribed in the advertisement should be completed in all respects on or before the closing date fixed for such poss. (s), no separate calls / Messages. an email will be sent for the provision of the missing document (if any).


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Non-Teaching Vacancies of Security Guards in Govt College Women University Faisalabad

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