Online Registration to Join Pak Navy as Civilian (Batch B-2024)

It is to share with the job seekers of the Armed Forces setup that Online Registration to Join the Pak Navy as a Civilian (Batch B-2024) has been started. The citizens of Pakistan have the required qualifications and age limit and can apply for these jobs in Pakistan Navy.


Join Pak Navy as a Civilian (Batch B-2024)


The latest jobs in the Pakistan Navy as Civilians are in the following formations:


  • PNCA Industrial / Technical Staff (Lower Formation)
  • PNCA Non-Industrial Staff (Lower Formation)


Vacancies for PNCA Industrial / Technical Staff (Lower Formation)


Sr. No Name of Vacancy BPS Quota/Domicile
1 Civil Apparats BPS-07 Merit = 16, Punjab = 14, Minority = 01, Sindh (U)= 02, Sindh (R) = 03, KPK = 04, Balochistan = 02, AJK = 01, FATA = 01, GB = 01, Coastal Areas = 05

Total = 50 Posts



Vacancies for PNCA Non-Industrial Staff (Lower Formation)



Sr. No Name of Vacancy BPS Quota/Domicile/Total Vacancies 
1 Stenotypist BPS-14 Merit = 01

Punjab = 08

Sindh (U)= 03

Sindh (R) = 02

KPK = 01

Minority = 01, Balochistan = 01, women = 02

AJK = 01

Disable = 01

Total = 21 Vacancies


2 Data Entry Operator BPS-14 Punjab = 03

Sindh (R) = 01

KPK = 01

Fata = 01

Disable = 01

Total = 07 Vacancies

3 Upper Division Clerk (UDC) BPS-13 Sindh (R) = 02
4 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) BPS-11 Minority = 03

FATA = 01

Azad Jammu & Kashmir = 01

Total Vacancies = 05

5 Draftsman-I (Mechanical) BPS-11 Women = 01

KPK = 01

Total = 02

6 Draftsman-II (Mechanical) BPS-11 Merit = o1

Punjab = 03

Sindh (U) = 01

Women = 01

Minority = 01

Sindh (R)= 01


Balochistan = 01

Total = 11 Vacancies

7 Draftsman-II (Electrical) BPS-11 Punjab = 01, Sindh(R)=01


Balochistan = 01,


Total = 05 Vacancies

8 Labour Welfare Supervisor BPS-10 Punjab=02


9 Lady Health Visitor BPS-09 Merit= 01

Punjab = 02

Sindh (R)=01

KPK = 01

Balochistan = 01

Total = 06 Vacancies


10 Librarian BPS-08 Merit = 01

Punjab = 01

Sindh (R)=01

Sindh (U) = 01

Total = 04 Vacancies

11 Junior Instructor BPS-07 Merit = 01

Punjab= 01

Sindh (R) = 01

Sindh (U) = 01

Total =04 Vacancies

12 Boxing Instructor BPS-07 Merit =02


Sindh(R)= 01




Total=09 Vacancies

13 Draftsman-III (Mechanical) BPS-07 Merit=1


Total = 02 Vacancies

14 Midwife BPS-07 Merit=1






Total = 12 Vacancies

15 Engine Driver BPS-07 Merit=1







Total = 09 Vacancies

16 Tracer BPS-05 Merit=7

(Priority will be given to those who have domicile in the Karachi district)

17 Police Constable BPS-05 Merit=14

Minority =02

Total = 16 Vacancies

(Priority will be given to those who have domicile in Karachi and Lahore district)

18 Laboratory Attendant BPS-05 Merit=09

Minority =01

Total = 10 Vacancies

(Priority will be given to those who have domicile of the Karachi district)

19 Crane Driver BPS-05 Merit=19

Minority =1

Total =20 Vacancies

(Priority will be given to those who have domicile in the Karachi/Thata district)

20 MT Driver Civil BPS-04 Merit=33

Minority =03

Total = 36 Vacancies

(Priority will be given to those who have domicile in Karachi/Thata and Makran  district)

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Online Registration to Join Pak Navy as Civilian (Batch B-2024)




See also  BPS-01 to BPS-14 Vacancies in Tourism Department AJK 2024

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