Notification Maternity Leave to Contract Employees / Adhoc and Temporary Employees KPK

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Elementary & Secondary Education Department issued a Notification on 26-01-2024 in connection with Maternity Leave to Contract Employees / Adhoc and Temporary Employees KPK School Education Department. The details are as follows:

Maternity Leave to Contract Employees / Adhoc and Temporary Employees KPK on Full Pay


I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state and to state that Rule-10 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revised Leaves Rules, 1981, provides that Maternity Leave may be granted on full pay to female civil servants up to ninety (90) days (Anne-I)

  1. Finance Department vide letter no. SOSR-IV/FD/2-2/2022ESED dated 18-09-2023 (ANNEC-II) has advised that Maternity Leave can be granted to adhoc civil servants by the lease sanctioning authority to light to ibid Rule, Moreover, SR-267 provides that a competent authority may grant to a temporary female Government servant maternity Leave on full pay (Annex-III)
  2. Because of the above, I am directed to convey that Maternity Leave may be granted on full pay to all female teachers of the E&SE Department even if working on contract/ad-hoc on a temporary basis



Endst of even No. Date


  1. Director E&SE Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar.
  2. SO (School-F0, SO (Primary-F_, SO (MC), SO (lit/I/II/III/IV), E&SE Department.
  3. S to Secretary E&SE Department
  4. PA to Additional Secretary (Gen) E&E Department.
  5. PA to Deputy Secretary (budget) E&SE Department.
  6. MST; Lasila Gul, Primary School Teacher, GGPS Shangi Bata, Peshawar w/r ta her application in the subject matter.




Notification Maternity Leave to Contract Employees Adhoc and Temporary Employees KPK


Explanation of the Leave


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The department grants maternity leave to female employees before and after the birth of a baby. Previously there was a concept to grant this leave only to permanent employees. Now the Education Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued a Notification explaining the said leave. As per the Notification, the female employees will also get the leave on full pay who are on a contract basis. The ad-hoc and temporary working female employees will also get maternity leave in full.  In Federal Government departments male and female employees both get paternity leave and maternity leave on the birth of a baby. The female employees can get leave up to 6 months. A male employee will avail paternity leave for one month thrice in a service.



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