Notification Delay in Promotion from PST to Est & EST to SST

Directorate of Public Instructions (EE) Punjab Lahore issued a Notification on 16-04-2024 in connection with a Delay in Promotion from PST to EST & EST to SST. The details are as follows:

Delay in Promotion from PST to Est & EST to SST


As pe the Notification, Your personal and immediate attention is drawn towards this Directorate Memo No. Admin (M-IB)/1111 dated 02-04-2024, vide which it was requested to take up promotion cases of the above-mentioned categories.

A Letter from DPI (SE) Punjab, Lahore was also issued on 11.05-2024 (Copy Enclosed) wherein,  all the CEOs, DEOs Bering authorities were directed to fill up vacant posts of promotion quotas through the second round of the Departmental Promotion Committee but it is regretted to state no positive action has been taken by the District, it has been brought in the notice of undersigned by the Punjab Teacher Union that despite the submission of C.R dossiers  / PERs no meeting has been convened despite elapse of almost one year. This act shows the slackness and Lethargic attitude of authorities. The delay in promotion has not only deprived the community form their legitimate right, but it has also created problems in filling p vacant posts that are reserved for the promotion quota.

You are directed to take this issue on priority basis and take immediate necessary steps to clear the pending promotion cases under the instruction and policy issued by the Department. In case of delay strict action will be taken against the responsible officer/official Ensure compliance without further loss of time under intimation to this Doctorate.

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Delay in Promotion from PST to Est & EST to SST


The Notification relates to the promotion of the following teachers:




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