Head-Constables (Wireless Operator BPS-09), Police Constable (BPS-07) and Driver Constables Jobs in Sindh

3283 Vacancies Sindh Police 2024 have been announced. These jobs in Sindh Police are for the posts of Head-Constables (Wireless Operator BPS-09), Police Constable (BPS-07), and Driver Constables (BPS-07) against Shaheed, Deceased and Permanently Invaildated or incapacitated quota in Sindh Police The details are as below:


BPS-07 to BPS-09 Vacancies Sindh Police 2024


Recruitment to the Post of Head-Constable (wireless Operator BPS-09 Police Constable (BPS-07) & Driver Constable (BPS-07) against Shaheed, Deceased, and permanently   Invalidated OR Incapacitated Quota in Sindh Police.


Head-Constables, Police Constables, and Driver Constables Jobs in Sindh Police



Sr No Range Head Constable (W/operator) Police Constable Driver Police Constable Total
1 Karachi 11 1141 119 1260
2 Hyderabad 160 76 236
3 Mirpurkhas 108 19 127
4 SBA 94 36 30
5 Sukkur 0 39 39
6 Larkana 324 56 380
  CPO & Other Units 1014 86 1111
  Total 11 2841 431 3283

Eligibility Criteria


The required eligibility criteria for the aforementioned posts are as under:-


Rank BPS Qualification Physical Standard Physical Endurance Test Age Limit
Head Constable (Wireless Operator) BPS-09 Intermediate from a recognized Board of Intermediate Education Male

Height  5 feet & 5 Inches (minimum)

Chest Minimum 33 inches with an expansion of 1.5 inches.



Height: 5 feet with Sound Health


1600 meters running in 08 minutes

Female :

800 meters walk in 14 minutes.

18 to 28 years as on the last date of submission of online application.
Police Constable (BPS-07) BPS-07 Matric from a recognized Board of Secondary Education ….do…. same as above ….do….
Driver Police Constable BPS-07 Matric form a recognized Board of Secondary Education Candidates of Secondary Education Candidates must have a valid Motor Car Driving License as of the closing date of the online application form.

However, the Candidate must obtain an LTC License within his probation period 03 of years

-do- Male:

1600 meters running in 10 minutes

Female :

800 meters walk in 14 minutes

same as above

Important Note


  1. Application forms can be downloaded from the website of Sindh Police i.e. sindhpolice.gov.pk
  2. All application claims shall be considered, processed, and entertained as per Sindh Police (Shaheed, Decreased, and Permaantely invalided or incapacitated Quota) Requirement Rules-2021.
  3. No online application shall be entertained after the last date of submission of the application.
  4. Incomplete applications shall not be entertained.
  5. No relaxation in upper age limit qualification and eligibility criteria shall be granted.
  6. No TA / DA will be given a test/interview.
  7. Sindh Police has the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.
  8. Candidates shall undergo a Physical, Written, Driving Test (for the post of DPC) & interview.
  9. Candidates who do not fulfill the given criteria ad advised not to submit online applications.


The last date for submission of online applications is 28-05-2024.


The Sindh Police Department has also announced 3852 Police Constables Jobs in Sindh Police 2024 for Basic Pay Scale No. 07 on a regular basis.


3283 Vacancies Sindh Police 2024

See also  Computer Operators, Junior Scale Stenographer and Junior Clerk Jobs 2024

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