Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, System Admin, Secretary, Store Officer and ADA jobs 2024 in SBBU

There is the current announcement of BPS-17 to BPS-20 Vacancies in SBB University 2024. These jobs are for the posts of Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, System Admin, Secretary, Store Officer, and Assistant Director Accounts in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Shaheed Benazirabad. More info is as below:

Teaching and Non-Teaching BPS-17 to BPS-20 Vacancies in SBB University 2024


Applications are invited on contractual positions for different positions (as under) from the eligible candidates having domicile of Sindh of the prescribed form, along with attested Photocopies of all relevant documents and Demand Draft / Pay Order of Rs.3000/- (non-refundable) as processing fee in favor of the Director Fiancé, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Banazirabad to complete the process. Applications should arrive within 15 days after the advertisement. The application form(s) can be downloaded from the website or can be obtained from the Directorate of Human Resources, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Banazirabad.


Faculty positions


Two years contracts extendable / to be continued


Sr No Name of post BPS Qualification and Experience
1 Associate Professor Information Technology (IT) BPS-20 Minimum Qualification: PhD in the relevant field from an HEC recognized University institution.

Experience: 10 years of teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a postgraduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or international organization


5-year post- PhD teaching/research experience in an HEC-recognized University or a post-graduate institution or professional experience in the relevant filed in a National or international organization.

Research Publication: The applicants must have 10 research publications published in at least 7 category journals (with at least 4 publications in the last 5 years in the HEC recognized Journals


2 Assistant professor BPS-19 Minimum Qualification: PhD in the relevant field from an HEC recognized University institution

There is also in process the online registration to join PAF April 2023 for the army service-loving candidates.


Non-faculty positions


Two-year contract extendable / to be continued

Sr No Name of post BPS Qualification and Experience
1 System Administrator BPS-18 M.Phil. / MS in Computer Science / IT or relevant field with First division or CGPA 3.0 & above from an HEC recognized University/institute with overall ten years’ experience in IT related field and a minimum of 05 years of system administration & Network Engineering experience if any HEC recognized University or organization.
2 Secretary / PS to the Vice Chancellor BPS-18 MS/MBA preferably in First division or equivalent qualifications from a recognized University institution with at least six (6) years of administrative experience of officer work in a post equivalent to BPS-17 and above in a University / Government Department / Autonomous Organization.

Preference will be given to those who have at least 02 to 03 years of university experience working in Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat

3 Store Officer BPS-17 Bachelors’ degree in Commerce. Economics or a related field with minimum 2nd division from an HEC recognized University/institution. At least 04 years experience in related fields in university or other organizations.
4 Assistant Director Accounts BPS-17 BA Finance is relevant in First Class from any HEC recognized University/institution with four (4) years of experience in Accounts work in a post equivalent to BPS-16 and above in a university or reputed Public / private institution.

Terms and Conditions


  1. Candidates applying for the post administrative positions should submit three copies of their bio-date / CV along with the required and other relevant documents showing details of work experience.
  2. For faculty positions, documented to be properly bounded.
  3. Need to submit the reference letter from the Competent Authority preciously worked / already working.
  4. Incomplete applications i.e. without educational, professional, and experience certificates, processing fees, etc., or applications received after the specified date or those not eligible shall not be entertained. The envelope should be marked with the post applied for.
  5. The university reserves the right to increase/decrease OR withdraw positions without assigning any reason.
  6. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease OR withdraw any position without assigning any reason.
  7. SBBU will only call the short-listed candidates coming for a test/interview.
  8. No Travelling Allowance / Daily Allowance TA/DA the candidates will get for appearing at the interview / written test.



BPS-17 to BPS-20 Vacancies in SBB University 2024


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