Issuance of Funds for Interest Free Loans for Government Employees KPK 2024

Issuance of Funds for Interest Free Loans for Government Employees KPK 2024

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government has issued Funds for Interest Free Loans for Govt Employees KPK 2024. The total allocated amount is 290 million. The general employees will get 21 Karor 7 lac while secretariat employees will get 7 Karor 93 lac.


Funds for Interest Free Loans for Govt Employees KPK 2024


As per the report, the KP Government issues loan amounts every year for the secretariat and general employees. The KP Government has already invited applications in November 2024. The KP Government invited applications for Interest Free HBA, Motorcycle, Motorcar and Cycle Advance for the financial year 2023-24. The employees will get the advance loan amount on the basis of balloting.


List of Advances for Govt Employees of KP


This amount is for the following loans:


1- House Building Advance

2- Motorcar Advance

3- Motorcycle Advance

4- Bicycle Advance


Loan Amount and Per Month Installment


The amount of funds for each employee for each advance is as below:


Sr. No Advance Head BPS of Employee Amount of Allocation Monthly Installment Total Number of Installments
1. Motor Car Advance (MCA) BS-17 and above Rs.200,000/- Rs.3,334/- PM


60 Installments
2. House Building Advance (HBA) BS-01 to BS-17 Rs.250,000 Rs.2,080/- PM 120 Installments
3. Motorcycle Advance (MCA) BS-01 to BS-17 Rs.80,000 Rs.1340/- PM 60 Installments
4. Cycle Advance (CA) BS-01 to BS-17 Rs.8,000 Rs.100/- PM 40 Installments


You can see that the amount of advance is meager but as this is interest-free employees will get the benefit from it. The employees will have to pay no interest. However, there are also some drawbacks to this loan. YOu can buy a motorcycle for 80,000/- but not a motorcar or a house construction. The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should increase the amount of HBA to a minimum of 2 million and for the car a minimum of 1.5 million. Similarly, the cycle amount should be a minimum of 30000/-.



Interest Free HBA, MCA and Cycle Advance



Notification of Payment

See also  Notification Rates of Profit @ 13.97% Applicable on Subscriptions and Balances 2023-24

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