Notification Extension Summer Holidays wef 25 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 Punjab

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department issued a Notification on 20-05-2024 in connection with Extension Summer Holidays wef 25 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 Punjab. The details are as under:


Extension of Summer Holidays wef 25 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 Punjab


Punjab Government earlier notified Summer Vacation 2024 Punjab Schools with effect from 1st June 2024 to 15 Aug 2024. Now, due to heat extense, the Punjab Government has to change the decision. Now the summer vacation 2024 is from 25-05-2024 to 15-08-2024.


Notification Extension Summer Holidays wef 25 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 Punjab


Notification Contents


As per the Notification of the School Education Department (SED) Punjab, in view of the surge in temperature and heatwave in the province, all public and private schools in Punjab will remain closed for 7 days from 25th May 2024 to 31st May 2024.

However, schools will be allowed to conduct examinations as scheduled with necessary precautions to ensure the safety of students.

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