Ministry of Climate Change & Environmental Coordination MP-I Jobs 2024

There is the recent announcement of Government Vacancies (MP-I) in the Ministry of Climate Change & EC. The salary package is based on Management Pay Scales One.  The details are as follows:

Government Vacancies (MP-I) in the Ministry of Climate Change & EC

Ministry of Climate Change & Environmental Coordination, Islamabad offers the challenging opportunity for employment of the Chairperson and Members in Pakistan  Climate Change Authority, a body corporate working under the administrative control of the Ministry of Climate Change & Environmental Coordination, Islamabad of line with section 6(1) of the Pakistan Climate  Change Act, 2017. Experience in relevant filed is mandatory, whereas experience in leadership roles for the position of Chairperson will be given preference.


Jobs in MoCC&EC


Sr No  Post Scale No of Posts Qualification & Experience Max age limit in years
1 Chairperson MP-1 01-Vacancy The Chairperson shall be a scientist, academician, professional, serving or retired government servant, industrialist,  agriculture or other technocrat with at least fifteen years experience in a field related to climate change and the environment with a distinguished service record



Ph.D. with 15 years of experience or Master’s degree with 18 years of experience in the field as mentioned above

Maximum 62

(to be calculated as on the closing date of submission of application)

2 Member (Adaptation) MP-1 01-Vacancy The Member (Adaptation) shall be a scientist, academician, professional, serving or retired government servant, industrialist,  agriculture or other technocrat with at least fifteen years experience in a field related to climate change and the environment with a distinguished service record



Ph.D. with 15 years of experience or Master’s degree with 18 years of experience in the field as mentioned above

Maximum 62
3 Member (Mitigation) MP-1 01-Vacancy The Member (Mitigation) shall be a scientist, academician, professional, serving or retired government servant, industrialist,  agriculture or other technocrat with at least fifteen years experience in a field related to climate change and the environment with a distinguished service record



Ph.D. with 15 years of experience or Master’s degree with 18 years of experience in the field as mentioned above

(to be calculated as on the closing date of submission of application)
4 Member (Climate Finance) MP-1 01-Vacancy The Member (Climate Finance) shall be a scientist, academician, professional, serving or retired government servant, industrialist,  agriculture or other technocrat with at least fifteen years experience in a field related to climate change and the environment with a distinguished service record



Ph.D. with 15 years of experience or Master’s degree with 18 years of experience in the field as mentioned above

Maximum 62
5 Member (Coordination) MP-1 01-Vacancy The Member (Coordination) shall be a scientist, academician, professional, serving or retired government servant, industrialist,  agriculture or other technocrat with at least fifteen years experience in a field related to climate change and the environment with a distinguished service record



Ph.D. with 15 years of experience or Master’s degree with 18 years of experience in the field as mentioned above

(to be calculated as on the closing date of submission of application)

Terms and Conditions:


  1. Disqualification, – no person shall be eligible for or hold an appointment as Chairperson or Member who-
  2. Is or has been dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired from service as a consequence of disciplinary proceedings;
  3. Is or has been by a court of competent jurisdiction convicted for an officer including moral turpitude or corruption
  4. Either at the time of appointment as Chairperson or Member or thereafter during such an appointment was not or is not a citizen of Pakistan; or
  5. Benefited from the National Reconciliation Ordinance, 2007 (LX of 2007);

  1. Civil servants / Government Servants may, however, subject to eligibility, apply for these positions, through proper channel, Their applications will be dealt with in accordance with terms & conditions incorporated in MP Scales Policy, 2020
  2. No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates called for test/interview.
  3. The title of the post must be written on the top written –hand corner of the envelope.
  4. Ministry reserves the right not to fill any of the advertised posts without assigning any reasons thereof.


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Government Vacancies (MP-I) in Ministry of Climate Change & EC

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