Directorate General Soil Survey of Punjab Jobs May 2024

The Latest Vacancies in the DG Soil Survey of Punjab 2024 have been announced. These jobs in the Directorate General of SP are on a contract basis. The details are as follows:


The Latest Vacancies in DG Soil Survey of Punjab 2024


Agricultural Department Soil Survey of Punjab, a development project (Strengthening of GIS Labs of soil Survey of Punjab to evaluate the impact of human interventions on different soil series of Punjab). the resident candidates of Punjab province for the following vacancies on the basis of merit, application are required. Remember that for these vacancies only the duration of the project is till 30.06.2025.


Summary of Jobs in DGSP


S.No. Name of Post Scale Age Limit No. of Post Place of Posting Qualification / Experience
1. Research Assistant 15 22-30 03-Posts Lahore B.Sc (2 years) in Chemistry, Soil Science, or Geology from a University Recognized by the Higher Education Commission
2. Driver 5 18-35 01-Post Lahore Primary Pass and has a valid driving license and is well versed in the traffic rules.
3. Sanitary Worker 1 18-25 01-Post Lahore Primary Pass
Terms/ Condition


  1. It is mandatory to submit detailed certificates and experience, domicile, and certified copies of computerized national cards along with the application.
  2. The candidates selected under the project will not be entitled to any salary security and regular appointment from contract appointment.
  3. There will be no relaxation in the upper age limit.
  4. Employees working in Government and Semi-Government organizations should send applications through their departments.
  5. In case of an increase/decrease in the duration of the project, the contract appointment order should be amended with the approval of the competent authority.
  6. Incomplete applications received after the due date will not be considered.
  7. Only eligible candidates will be called for a test and interview and no TA/DA will be given.
  8. The institution reserves the right to increase and decrease the number of vacancies advertised.
  9. None of the posts are under the reserved corner for women, minoritis, and persons with disabilities.
  10. Only candidates will the requisite educational qualifications should apply to the address given below during office hours till 28.06.2024.
See also  Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) Jobs Ad No. 09/2023


There are also vacancies for teaching and NTS staff in BRC for the teaching and non teaching jobs lovers.


The Latest Vacancies in DG Soil Survey of Punjab 2024

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