HRA, CA, Medical, Upgradation of Employees and Salary Increase Budget 2024-25 Demands

HRA, CA, Medical, Upgradation of Employees and Salary Increase Budget 2024-25 Demands

The Government employees request the Government HRA, CA, Medical, Upgradation of Employees, and Salary Increase Budget 2024-25 as the Federal Budget is being presented on 12 June 2024. The employees demand the concerned governments an increase in House Rent Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Medical Allowance, Upgradation of various posts, and an increase in salary at a reasonable amount. The details are as follows:


Pay / Salary Increase Budget 2024-25 Demands of Government Employees


The 1st and foremost demand of the employees is the minimum increase in salary @ 50% of the running basis pay. The employees are facing a lot of financial issues. They are unable to manage within the current pay and allowances they are getting. The household items prices and utility expenses are much higher than the salaries they are getting. Keeping in view the dearness of the country, the employees request the Government to increase a minimum 50% salary of the running basic pay. The Government should think about the lower-grade employees especially the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-16. The employees of BPS-17 and above are also facing difficulties. The government should also increase their salaries at a reasonable level. There was previous news of a 15% to 20% increase in salaries in Budget 2024-25 for Government employees. But the employees request more than 15/20%.


House Rent Allowance (HRA)


The employees are also facing the issues of the houses on rent. They are getting just a minor amount of HRA that is not enough for a simple cottage in a city. The rates of House Rent Allowance for Government employees are as follows:

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Basic Pay Scale House Rent Allowance  in Other Cities (30%) House Rent Allowance in Big Cities (45%)
BS-01 1337 2006
BS-02 1367 2051
BS-03 1413 2120
BS-04 1458 2187
BS-05 1503 2255
BS-06 1544 2316
BS-07 1589 2384
BS-08 1650 2475
BS-09 1719 2579
BS-10 1781 2672
BS-11 1853 2780
BS-12 1961 2942
BS-13 2091 3137
BS-14 2214 3321
BS-15 2349 3524
BS-16 2727 4091
BS-17 4433 6650
BS-18 5810 8715


The demand to increase House Rent Allowance is also at the top due to the high rates of rented houses. Just imagine how an employee of BPS-18 can get a house on rent at Rs. 8715/-. In the same way, the employees of BPS-BPS-15 are getting HRA @ 3524/- per month. Can he get the house on rent in this amount? The employee is getting 2006 Rupees as House Rent Allowance in Big cities and Rs. 1337/- per month in other cities. It is not possible to get a house on rent in the above-said rates of HRA. The government should increase the House Rent Allowance on the basis of Revised Pay Scales 2022. The employees are currently getting the HRA on the Basic 2008 Basic Pay Scales.


Demand to Increase Conveyance Allowance


The government increased Conveyance Allowance in 2014 for some categories of employees. The BPS-16 and above employees are getting Conveyance Allowance @ 5000/- per month. The employees of BPS-10 to 15 are getting Rs. 2856/- per month. The government should fix a minimum 20,000/- Conveyance Allowance for employees who are BPS-16 and above. In the same way, the Government should fix a minimum of 10,000/- CA for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-15. The employees are expending a lot of amount on their conveyance from their homes to offices and the back to their homes. Most of the employees are paying a minimum of 1000/- daily for their conveyance charges.

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Medical Allowance


The BPS_01 to BPS_16 employees are getting Rs. 1500/- per month as Medical Allowance. The employees who are BPS-17 and above are getting less than 3000/- as medical allowance. It is not possible for the employees to net their and their family’s medical expenses in such a meager amount. This amount is less than the consultation fee of a specialist. The consultation fee for one specialist doctor is 2000/- to 3000/-. So the Government should increase the medical allowance minimum to Rs. 6000/- per month.


Up-Gradation of Employees


There are many categories of employees who have not gotten the upgrade of their posts for long even though their parallel posts have been upgraded many times. There are also many posts that have different pay scales in Federal and Provincial. Their examples are Library Clerks, Lower Division Clerks, Upper Division Clerks, Store Clerks, teaching staff posts, etc.


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