Salary Increase Govt Employees and Per Budget Speech 2024-25

Salary Increase Govt Employees and Per Budget Speech 2024-25

I am sharing the details of Budget Speech Copy 2024-25 and the Salary / pension increase for Government employees and pensioners. The Finance Minister presented the Budget in the National Assembly on 12 June 2024. He announced a 25% salary increase for BPS-01 to BPS-16 Employees and a 22% increase in salary for BPS-17 to BPS-22 Government increase in salary for Government employees. This salary increase will be effective from 1st July 2024. The government increased pension @ 15% for all pensioners. The employees will also get the following allowances increase:


Budget Speech Copy 2024-25 and Salary / Pension Increase Government Employees



Keeping in view the dearness of the country and the hike in prices, the Finance Minister announced the relief package for Government employees in Budget Speech 2024-25.


The details of Pension and Salary Increase Govt Employees in Budget 2024-25 as Per Budget Speechcopy are as follows:


  • BPS-01 to BPS-16 Employees @ 25% of current Basic Pay
  • BPS-17 to BPS-22 employees @ 22% of current running basic pay
  • Minimum Wage Rates per month Rs. 37,000/- instead of 32,000/- per month
  • Pension Increase @ 15% of net pension




The Government increased the salary of Government employees from 22% to 25% with effect from 01-07-2024. The Finance Minister also announced the increase in pension @ 15% with effect from 1st July 2024.


Pension Increase


As per the Budget speech 2024-2025, the Finance Minister announced a fifteen percent increase in their net pension.


Minimum Wage Rates 2024-25


See also  A Rumor Regarding Stoppage of Payment Pay Pension for Employees

The Finance Minister also announced a minimum increase in the salary of the workers. The workers will now get a minimum of 37,000/- per month instead of 32,000/- Rupees per month.


Budget Speech 2024-25 and Expectations of Govt Employees



The Government employees are facing the issues of their Conveyance and medical expenses. They also have less amount of House Rent Allowance as compared to their running HRA. The Government employees were expecting to get a minimum 50% increase in their salaries but the Government increased only 22% to 25%. This will not fulfill the actual daily needs of the employees.


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3 thoughts on “Salary Increase Govt Employees and Per Budget Speech 2024-25

  1. Private employees are not Pakistani so they are not facing any circumstances of living in Pakistan, inflation is only for government employees and hence they are getting raise.
    Private job holders are perhaps living in any foreign country so they will have to pay insane taxes so government can increase their capability to grab more and more taxes from them. I will protest by every mean.

  2. Dear Sir, Why Government did not raised private employees salaries.we are also tax payers on each and every things in Pakistan. You should increase the salaries .
    Instruct to State Bank banking employee salaries should be revised as per their Qualifications. Govt pay to teachers after getting the degree of MPhil and Ph.D .why banks did not gave the relief to their employees. I have requested to higher authority (Government ) please revise our salaries too . We are also human .we are facing too much inflation. We pay tax on each and every household things .so please relief us .revise our pay scales . Thanks a lot .


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