Federal Govt Educational Institutions (FGEI) Jobs June 2024 for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

There is the recent announcement for FGEIs BPS-01 to BPS-15 Vacancies (Teaching and Non-Teaching) 2024. These jobs in Federal Government Educational Institutions are on a regular basis. All these jobs are in Cantt and Garrisons of Pakistan. The details are as follows:


FGEIs BPS-01 to BPS-15 Vacancies (Teaching and Non-Teaching) 2024


Ministry of Defence, Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantonments/ Garrisons) Directorate, Sir Syed Road, Rawalpindi Cantonment invites online applications from eligible Candidates for recruitment of Teaching/ Non-Teaching Staff against various posts in BPS-1 to BPS-15 in Directorate, Regional Offices and its Institutions.




  1. Read the eligibility criteria and fill out the online form for the relevant post carefully, FGEI Dte will not be responsible for ineligibility in case of wrong information/ entry by the candidate ۔
  2. Applications received after the closing date will not be entertained.
  3. Intimation regarding written test will be sent via Induction Portal. The same can be checked through Candidate’s log-in account. Therefore, candidates are requested to visit their log-in accounts frequently

for any update.

  1. DO NOT give mobile number which is Ported out on other network. Otherwise, FGEI Dte will not be responsible for non-delivery of SMS.
  2. For further information, visit our website https://induction-reg.fgei-cg.gov.pk from time to time.




Name of Post BPS Gender Academic/ Professional Qualification
Librarian BPS-15 Male (i)                Graduate OR Equivalent OR Higher qualification

(ii)               One Year’ Diploma in Library Sciences OR Equivalent OR Higher Professional (Mandatory)


Librarian BPS-15 Female
Elementary School Teacher BPS-14 Male 2nd Class or Grade “C” Bachelor’s Degree (04 years)


Equivalent OR Higher Academic Qualification (Recognized by HEC)

Assistant Librarian BPS-09 Male (i)                Matric OR equivalent OR higher qualification

(ii)               Certificate in Library Sciences OR equivalent OR Higher Professional Qualification (Mandatory)

Assistant Librarian BPS-09 Female
Band Master BPS-06 Male (i)                Matric OR equivalent OR higher qualification

(ii)               One Year Training Certificate / Diploma in Band/ Music from a recognized institution OR Equivalent OR Higher Professional Qualification (Mandatory)

Sewing Mistress BPS-06 Female (i)                Matric OR equivalent OR higher qualification

(ii)               One Year Certificate / Diploma in sewing from are cognized institution OR Equivalent Professional Qualification (Mandatory)

Non-Teaching Staff Posts


Name of Post BPS Gender Academic/ Professional Qualification
Assistant BPS-15 (i)            Graduation OR Equivalent or Higher Qualification

(ii)           Selected candidates must complete 6 weeks basic IT                 Training Course(including MS Office) from NITB during                probation period.

Accountant BPS-14 B.Com OR Equivalent OR Higher Qualification
Data Entry Operator (DEO) BPS-14 (i) Bachelor’s degree in Physics or Maths OR Stats OR Economics OR equivalent OR higher qualification

(ii)           10000 key depression per hour for Data Entry

Steno BPS-14 (i)            Intermediate or equivalent or higher qualification

(ii)           Typing speed 40 WPM 80 words shorthand speed (English)

Upper Division Clerk (UDC) BPS-13 (i)            Intermediate OR Equivalent OR Higher Qualification

(ii)           Selected candidates must complete 3 weeks of basic IT                Training Course (including MS Office) from NITB during probation period.

LDC BPS-11 (i)            Matric OR Equivalent OR Higher Qualification

(ii)           Typing speed: 30 Words per minute

(iii)          Selected candidates must complete 3 weeks of basic IT                Training Course (including MS Office) from NITB during

probation period.

Store Keeper BPS-19 (i)           Graduation or equivalent or higher qualification

(ii)           One year experience in a relevant field

Lab Assistant BPS-07 (I)           Matric with Science OR Equivalent OR Higher Qualification

Teaching Staff Jobs


Sr No Name of Post  / BPS Academic/ Professional Qualification Regional/ Provincial Quota Age Limit Remarks
1 Computer Instructor (BPS-14) BCS OR BS in Computer Science OR Equivalent


OR Higher Qualification

Punjab (Merit) – 1 18-30 Year (Including 5

years general relaxation)

1. The selected candidates will be posted at


2. The seniority of selected candidates will be determined as per seniority rules in accordance with the recruitment rules of Sir Syed School & College of Special Education Rawalpindi.

2 Vocation Teacher (BPS-11) 1.    Matric Second Division

2.     Three Years’ in Dress Designing & Dress Making Diploma from any recognized institution


Punjab (Merit) – 1 18-30 Years (Including 5

years general relaxation)

Non-Teaching Staff Positions


Sr No Name of Post  / BPS Academic/ Professional Qualification Regional/ Provincial Quota Age Limit Remarks
1 Admin Supervisor (BPS-11) Associate Degree Punjab (Merit) – 1 18-30 Year (Including 5

years general relaxation)

1. The selected candidates will be posted at


2. The seniority of selected candidates will be determined as per seniority rules in accordance with recruitment rules of Sir Syed School & College of Special Education Rawalpindi.

2 Vehicle Mechanic (BPS-7) 1.  Matric

2. 1 Year mechanical/ technician diploma from a recognized institution

Punjab (Merit) – 1 18-30 Year (Including 5

years general relaxation)

3 Driver (BPS-4) 1.  Primary Pass

2. Valid Driving License holder and well-versed in

the Traffic Rules

Rawalpindi District: 04 18-35 Year (Including 5

years general relaxation)

Selection will be made on a local basis
4 Chowkidar (BPS-2) Primary Pass Rawalpindi District: 02 18-30 Years (Including 5

years general relaxation)

Age Relaxation Rules


  1. According to Govt policy, further age relaxation is admissible as under:-


a. (1) Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, recognized Tribs of the Tribal Areas, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

(2) Candidates belonging to Sindh (Rural) and Balochistan (For posts in scale BPS 15 & below only)

b. Released or Retired Officers/ Personnel of the Armed Forces of Pakistan 15 years or the number of years actually served in the

Armed Forces of Pakistan) whichever is less).

c. Govt servants who have completed 2 years of continuous Govt service on the closing date of receipt of applications and are still in service 10 years
d. Disabled persons (Subject to the provision of disability certificate by District Assessment Board/ Social

Welfare Department at the time of Interview).

10 years
e. Widow/ Widower or Son/ Daughter of a deceased civil servant who died during service (On or after 01-07- 2005) (Subject to the provision of Departmental office order/ Notification of death at the time of


05 years

Important Instructions


  1. Transgender may also apply for any post according to eligibility criteria.
  2. 1 x post in CLASS-IV Category (Scale 1 to 5) is specified for Persons with Disability.
  3. Selected candidate may be appointed anywhere in Pakistan.
  4. Married female candidates may apply on the basis of their own or their husband’s domicile (Must produce domicile certificate of husband and Nikanama at the time of interview).
  5. Age, academic and professional qualification of the candidates shall be determined on the closing date of applications.
  6. According to Government policy, shortlisted Candidates will be called for interview on the basis of written test.
  7. Is found fake or bogus at any stage, candidature of the particular candidate will stand cancelled. Even in the case of his/ her selection, such fake documents whenever found, will lead to
  • Appropriate disciplinary action/ criminal proceedings against such person.
  • Before interview, typing test will be conducted for LDC, DEO and shorthand test for Stenotypist.
  1. No extra marks will be given on higher academic/ professional qualification and experience.


More Ones


  • Professional Qualification i.e. One Year Diploma in Library Sciences or equivalent (for Librarian), a Certificate in Library Sciences or equivalent (for Library Assistant/ Assistant Librarian), one-year training Certificate/ Diploma in Band/ Music (for Bandmaster) and one year training Certificate/ Diploma in sewing (for Sewing Mistress) is Mandatory.
  • Govt servants must produce fresh NOC from their department at the time of interview.
  • FGEI (C/G) Directorate reserved the right to re-conduct test of any category or re-evaluate any candidate at any stage (if required) before issuance of offer letter.
  • Selection on Class-IV posts (BPS-1 to 5) will be made on local basis. Candidates other than the advertised districts are not eligible to apply.
  • Medical Fitness to perform duty for All Posts especially for Driver, Mali & Chowkidar is mandatory.
  • Dismissed employees of any organization or having criminal record are not eligible for employment in FGEI.
  • Candidates whose final results have been announced after closing date of advertisement are not eligible to apply.
  • FGEI C/G reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies after advertisement on a need basis.
  • No TA/ DA is admissible for the Written/ Skill Test and Interview.



How To Apply?


  1. Visit our website https://induction-reg.fgei-cg.gov.pk. Fill up the online application form carefully, correctly, and properly.
  2. Upload the required pictures and documents.
  3. For further information, please Contact on 051-9292847 within office timing (9 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday).




Employment in the FGEI (C/G) Directorate is made through a transparent manner according to Federal Govt Policy. Nobody, can help you in selection. Therefore, you are advised to believe in yourself and Allah Almighty and to refrain from such persons who demand you any kind of gratification OR money for employment in FGEI (C/G) Directorate. In such case, please contact us on 051-9292847.



General Staff Officer Grade-II (Induction)

Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantonments/ Garrisons) Directorate

189-A, Sir Syed Road Rawalpindi Cantonment


Download FGEIs Jobs Ad June 2024 for BPS-01 to BPS-15



FGEIs BPS-01 to BPS-15 Vacancies (Teaching and Non-Teaching) 2024

See also  OPF Girls College Islamabad Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Vacancies 2024

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