The Latest Updates of Promotion of PSTs, ESTs and Ministerial Staff in Punjab 2024

I am sharing the Latest Updates of the Promotion of PSTs, ESTs, and Ministerial Staff in Punjab 2024. The Directorate of Public Instructions( SE) Punjab issued a letter on 21-06-2024 on the subject “UN-Satisfaction of School Education Department in Connection with Incomplete and Incorrect Information Submitted by the CEOs Regarding Promotion of PST to EST, EST to SST and Non-Teaching Cadre”. The details are as follows:


The Latest Updates of the Promotion of PSTs, ESTs, and Ministerial Staff in Punjab 2024

               Your Personal and immediate attention is invited to the information provided by you in connection with the promotion from PST to EST. EST to SST and Ministerial Cadre staff.

               It is informed that the information was discussed today i.e. on 21-06-2024 with higher maturities of the School Education Department. After the Examination of information received through our End, it has been noticed with deep concern that most of the CEOs have submitted incomplete and incorrect information. It has been directed by the High ups to call for an explanation so such delinquents who failed to provide complete information and those who have not yet notified the seniority list for consideration of promotion cases as well as the date of DPC meetings have not been finalized. The explanation letter is being issued separately to responsible officers.

                              I am further directed to collect the information and figures in the following format for submission before high is on 26-06-2024 at 09:00 AM. You are therefore directed to ensure the submission of information is complete in all respects by 25-05-2024 before 04:00 OM without fail. In case of non-compliance, the concerned CEO will have to appear in person along with information on 26-06-2024 at 08:45 AM, otherwise, the matter will be reported to the School Education Department for strict action against the responsible officer.

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The information may be provided in the following format.


 Detail / Numbers of Teaching / Staff Whose Cases are Being Considered in DPC Meetings Schedules to be Help.


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
PS to EST (Sci) (Male & Female) PST to EST (Arts) Male & Female) EST to ST (SCI) Male & Female) PST to EST (Arts) Male & Female) Class-IB to Junior Clerk Junior Clerk to Senior Clerk Senior Clerk to Assistant Total Number of Posts available vacant for consideration of promotion with respect to categories mentioned in column 01 to column 07 The number of Teachers Categories wise / Non-Teaching Staff who are to be considered for promotion (Mentioned Seniority No.               To. balance posts available after the promotion

Updates of Promotion of PSTs, ESTs and Ministerial Staff in Punjab 2024



Further Observations


               It has further been observed that the same CEOs have mentioned in the information that seniority lists have not been notified. This statement is insufficient and not acceptable. Such CEOs are directed to explain and justify their position for not notifying the seniority list. If the matter of Seniority is under trial in the court, a copy of the writ petition, paradise comments, and detailed proceedings in the court, as well as the interim and final decision of the court, may be conveyed.

               Proforma promotion cases are ending in the districts but most of the CEOs have not been mentioned in the information. Such CEOs are directed to re-examine the record and the exact figure of Proforma promotion pending cases may be conveyed. It is already in the notice of the School Education Department that a number of Proforma promotion cases are under trial in the Punjab Service Tribunal / another Hon’ble court, but from your end, it has been reflected as Nil. This point has also been viewed very stoutly and directed to take action against those who have given incorrect information.

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               you are directed to tale this issue at a personal level and after scrutinizing the officer record of District Education Officers as well as your own officers exact figures may be given in the table, otherwise you will be held responsible for the consequences and strict action will be taken against the responsible officer.

               Again mentioned, the requested information complete in all respects must reach the office by 04:00 P.m. on 25-06-2024.



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