Rescue 1122 Highways and Motorways Job Vacancies through PTS

I am sharing the latest Rescue 1122 Highways and Motorways Vacancies through PTS. These jobs are for paramedics/emergency medical technicians and drivers. There are also other jobs for instructors in rescue 1122 NH&MP. The details are as follows:


Rescue 1122 Highways and Motorways Vacancies through PTS


These jobs are for the rescue operations at National Highways and Motorways Police.


Sr. No. Name of Post BPS No. of Post Place of Posting
1. Paramedics / Emergency  Medical Technician BPS-04/05 200 Highways of Sindh Province

(Satellite Stationers N55, N4, M9)

2. Driver BPS-01 200 Highways of Sindh Province

(Satellite Stationers N55, N4, M9)

3. Instructor (Ex-Army ) BPS-04 04 Karachi 04
4. Rescue Drill Instructor (Ex-Army/ Civil Defense/ Emergency Services) BPS-04 02 Karachi 02
5. Fire Drill Instructor

(Ex-Army/ Civil Defense/ Emergency Services)

BPS-04 02 Karachi 02
6. Water Rescue Instructor (Ex-Army/ Civil Defense/ Emergency Services) BPS-04 02 Karachi 02

There are two ads for the jobs in Rescue 1122. These are as follows:


Ad No. 01:


For Technicians and Drivers


Rescue 1122 Highways and Motorways Vacancies through PTS


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Ad No. 02


These jobs are PPS-04 for various instructors.



1122 Jobs June July 2024


  • The candidates should apply for these jobs through the Pakistan Testing Service (PTS).
  • They can download the application forms from the PTS website.
  • Government employees should apply through the proper channel.
  • The candidates will have their posting at N-55, N-5 and M-9


There is an other jobs ad for PPSC Vacancies Ad No. 10/2024 for the posts in Public Libraries in Punjab and other departments. The candidates may also apply for these jobs as per their qualifcation and required criteria.

See also  National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) 2024 Jobs

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2 thoughts on “Rescue 1122 Highways and Motorways Job Vacancies through PTS

  1. Respected Sir
    I hope you are doing well. I’m recently retire at Pak Army Engineer Corps rank Haveldar trade Field Engineer and additional experience as office clerk. My civil education BA (Arts).
    Therefore it is humble requested to you for desirable jobs and favourable pursue, please.
    Thank you and regards.

    Abdul Wahab district kohat, KPK.


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