Visiting Basis Teaching Jobs in Govt College of Technology Faisalabad 2024

I am sharing the latest Instructors and Lecturers Vacancies 2024 at Govt College of Technology Faisalabad. These jobs are purely on a faculty basis or visiting faculty for males and females. The GCT will recruit these faculties for the session 2024-2025. The details are as follows:

Instructors and Lecturers Vacancies 2024 at GCT Faisalabad


The summary of the jobs at GCT is as follows:


Sr. No. Name of Post Qualification/ Experience
1. Lecturer (Physics) M.SC/ BS Physics
2. Lecturer (Chemistry) M.SC/ BS Chemistry
3. Lecturer (English) M.SC/ BS English
4. Lecturer (Urdu) MA Urdu
5. Lecturer (Islamic Studies) MA/MBA Islamic Studies
6. Lecturer (Mathematics) M.Sc./ BS Math
7. Lecturer (Management) MBA/ M.Com/ BBA (Hons)
8. Instructor (Computer Science/ IT) BSCS/ MCS or Equivalent
9. Instructor (Mechanical Technology) B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, B.Tech. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. Engg. Technology
Jr. Instructor (Mechanical Technology) DAE
10. Instructor (Civil Technology) B.Sc. Civil Engineering, (Hons) B.Sc Engg. Technology
 Jr. Instructor (Civil Technology) DAE
11. Instructor (Electrical Technology) B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, (Hons) B.Sc Engg. Technology
Jr. Instructor (Electrical Technology) DAE
12. Instructor (Instrumental Technology) B.Sc. Electronics, B.Tech. (Hons) B.Sc Engg. Technology
Jr. Instructor (Instrumental Technology) DAE
13. Jr. Instructor (Food Technology) DAE
14. Instructor Textile (Dyeing & Printing) BS Textile
15. Instructor (Mechanical Power Technology) (Auto & farm Machinery ) DAE with auto & Farm Machinery or B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering/ B.Tech. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. Engg. Technology

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Instructors and Lecturers Vacancies in Govt College of Technology Faisalabad

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