Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) Jobs 2024 at CB General Hospital

I am sharing the latest RCB General Hospital Vacancies 2024. These jobs at Cantonment Board General Hospital Rawalpindi are on a lump sum pay package.  These jobs are for medical and allied staff.


RCB General Hospital Vacancies 2024


Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) invites applications from eligible candidates to fill up the following posts in The Cantonment General Hospital, Rawalpindi purely on a Contract Basis with Fixed Pay Packges mentioned against each post:-


Lumpsum Pay Package Jobs at Cantonment Board GH Rawalpindi


Sr.No. Name of Post No. of Post Salary
1. Orthopedic Surgeon 01-Post 1,50,000
2. ENT Specialist 01-Post 1,50,000
3. Cardiologist 01-Post 1,50,000
4. Radiologist 01-Post 1,50,000
5. Anesthesia Specialist 01-Post 1,50,000
6. General Surgeon 01-Post 1,50,000
7. Clinical Pathologist 01-Post 1,50,000
8. Microbiologist 01-Post 1,50,000
9. Histo-pathologist 01-Post 1,50,000
10. Intensivist  (ICU-Speclist) 01-Post 1,50,000
11. Staff Nurse 10-Posts 50,000

Terms & Conditions


  1. Only Short-listed candidates will be called for a test/interview. They will bring original certificates/testimonials at the time of the interview.
  2. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered for interview.
  3. Candidates already in government service are required to apply through proper channels otherwise their applications will not be considered.
  4. The terms of the Contract will be communicated through an offer letter to the successful candidates. Candidates accepting the terms and conditions laid down in the offer letter will be issued a final selection letter. Initially, the contract will be offered for a period of one year but the same is extendable on such terms and conditions as to be decided by RCB.
  5. Candidates selected through this advertisement will not claim regularization of their service at any stage for any forum.
  6. Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) reserves the right to reject any or all applications at any time, at any, stage, without assigning any reason.
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RCB General Hospital Vacancies 2024

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