Notification Minimum Wages Rates Punjab 2024 (Monthly and Daily)

Government of the Punjab, Labour and Human Resource Department issued various Notifications on 05-09-2024 in connection with Minimum Wages Rates Punjab 2024 (Monthly and Daily). These rates are for 26 working days in a month and for 8 working hours in Punjab. The details are as under:


Minimum Wages Rates Punjab 2024 (Monthly and Daily)


No. SO(L&P)MW/2024: in the exercise of the powers conferred under section 6 of the Punjab Minimum Wages Act, 2018 (XXVIII) of 2019), the Governor of Punjab, On the recommendation of the Minimum Wages Board, is pleased to fix the following minimum rates of wages for unskilled adult & Adolescent workers employed in all industrial and commercial establishment in the Province:


  1. Rs, 37,000/- per month (for 26 working days)
  2. 1,423.07/- per day (for 8 working hours)



2- The employer shall be allowed fulfilling deduction in lieu of accommodation and transport facility provided to the workers subject to agreement between them


  1. For accommodation Rs 459.03/- per month
  2. For transport facility Rs 98.28/- per month


  1. For work of equal value, women shall get equal rates of wages as allowed to a male worker of the category for such work.
  2. This notification shall come into force with effect from 1st July 2024.


Notification Minimum Wages Rates Punjab 2024 (Monthly and Daily)


Minimum Wages for the Domestic Workers Employed


No. SO(L&P)MW/2024: in the exercise of the powers conferred under section 18 of the Punjab Domestic Workers Act, 2019 (II of 2019), the Governor of Punjab, On the recommendation of the Minimum Wages Board, is pleased to fix the following minimum Wages for the Domestic Workers employed in all household of the Province.

  1. Rs, 37,000/- per month (for 26 working days)
  2. 1,423.07/- per day (for 8 working hours)
  3. 88 per hour


The employer shall be allowed fulfilling deduction in lieu of accommodation and transport facility provided to the domestic worker subject to agreement between them:


  • For accommodation Rs 459.03/- per month
  • For transport facility Rs 98.28/- per month


the existing rates of wages, if higher than the minimum rates of wages as fixed aforesaid, shall not be reduced. However, the employer shall be free to pay higher rates of wages either unilaterally on his own initiative or by mutual agreement in view of any special considerations including higher garage of skill or experience or higher cost of living in a particular locality or any other reasons.

For work of equal value, Female domestic workers shall get equal rates of wages as allowed to a make domestic worker for such work.


This notification shall come into force with effect from 1st July 2024.


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Punjab Govt Daily Wage Rates 2024


Punjab Monthly Wage Rates 2024





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