Enhancement Rental Ceiling for Hiring Privately Owned Residential Accommodation 2024 (Recommendations)

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing and Works Islamabad issued a letter on 23-10-2024 in connection with recommendations for Enhancement Rental Ceiling for Hiring Privately Owned Residential Accommodation 2024. The details are as follows:

Increase / Enhancement Rental Ceiling for Hiring Privately Owned Residential Accommodation 2024


As per the employee representative, Mr Rehman Ali Bajwa, there is a proposal for the following rental ceiling for hiring Government employees residing in 6 specified stations:


Sr. No Basic Pay Scale of the Govt Employees %age increase in hiring (Recommended)
1 BPS-01 to BPS-10 100%
2 BPS-11 to BPS-16 75%
3 BPS-17 to BPS-22 50%

List of Specific Cities for Hiring


The List of the specific cities for hiring is as follows:


  • Islamabad
  • Rawalpindi
  • Peshawar
  • Karachi
  • Lahore
  • Quetta


Contents of The Recommendation Letter


The undersigned refer to the subject cited above and states that in terms of Schedule II, Rule 3(3), serial No.14 of Rules of Business, 1973. The Ministry of Housing and Works is entrusted with the task of providing government-owned office and residential accommodation for officers and staff of the federal government, as well as the acquisition, requisitioning, and hiring of residential accommodation. The hiring of residential accommodation. The hiring of residential accommodation was decentralized w.e.f. 01-07-2004 at six specified stations i.e. Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar.

                 However, it is for the Ministry of Housing and works to revise rates of rental ceiling for hiring of residential accommodation in consultation with the Finance Division.

See also  Notification Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 GB and Increase in Allowances

Recently, the Estate Office, Islamabad, carried out a market survey to assess the rent of residential buildings in various localities of different cities. According to the survey, the market rent has increased from 73% to 110% at six specified stations.

In terms of Rule 12(1) of the Rules of Business, 1973, inter alia, provides that no Division shall issue any orders which will affect directly or indirectly the finances of the federation without previous consultation with the finance division authorities.

In view of the above, the undersigned has enclosed herewith a draft Summary for the Cabinet (F/A) for the views/comments of the finance division for further necessary action.


Enhancement Rental Ceiling for Hiring Privately Owned Residential Accommodation 2024 (Recommendations)


The Federal Government increased hiring rates and issued the Notification Hiring Rates 2022 for Residential Accommodation for Federal government employees. Now, considering the recent increases, they felt the need to increase the hiring rates.

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