The Latest DSP, SI and ASI Jobs 2024 through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission

There is the recent announcement for the latest KPPSC Vacancies 2024 for ASIs, Sis, and DSPs. These jobs are in the Police Department KP through the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission. The details are as follows:


KPK Police the latest KPPSC Vacancies 2024 for ASIs, Sis, and DSPs


The KP Public Service Commission has issued the jobs ad No. 04/2024. The jobs are for the following posts:


  • DSPs BPS-17
  • SIs BPS-14
  • ASIs BPS-11


Sr. No. Name of Posts BPS No. of Posts Qualification Eligibility Allocation
1. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) BPS-17 42 1.      At least a second-class bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

2.      He must have Completed the probation period and has confirmed the rank of inspector

3.      He has not been awarded any major penalties during the last 3 years.

4. Ha has qualified for two weeks of basic courses from any four of the Police Specialized Schools during service as a junior officer.

Both Male and Female Merit
2. Sub Inspector of Police (SI) 479 BPS-14 1.      At least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

2. He must have Completed the probation period and has been confirmed in the rank of assistant Sub Inspector.

3.      He has not been awarded any major penalties during the last 3 years.


Both male and female Region-wise
3. Assistant Sub Inspector 584 BPS-11 1.      At least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

2.      He has a qualified recruit course.

3.      He has satisfactorily completed a minimum 5 years of service in the Police Department from the date of joining the service

4.      He has not been awarded major penalties during the last 3 years.


Both male and female Region-wise

Basic Terms and Conditions


  1. An eligible candidate’s application shall be submitted online on the prescribed form given at the Commission’s website (i.e., on or before the closing date of the advertisement.
  2. The candidates must deposit the prescribed application fee as per the procedure given in the advertisement on or before the closing date of the advertisement.
  3. Candidates are required to make correct entries in the online application, which can be documentarily proved, as they will be called for Examination based on their claims/entries.
  4. Age will be reckoned as of 01-01-2025.
  5. Candidates must be academically qualified, have a satisfactory service record, and successfully complete the probation period by the closing date of the advertisement. Candidates not fulfilling the required conditions by the last date for receipt of applications shall not be considered by the Commission.


Full Ad for KP Police Department Jobs Nov 2024


Here is the full ad for the police department jobs for the recent posts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, The full ad is as below:


Full Ad for KP Police Department Jobs Ad No. 04 of 2024




KPPSC Vacancies 2024 for ASIs, Sis and DSPs


There is another job announcement today for the PCAA Oct 2024 Vacancies for Pakistani citizens. Candidates fulfilling the criteria can apply for these jobs.

See also  Teaching Jobs in Rawalpindi Islamabad Army Public School 2024

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