The Latest Vacancies in DHQ Teaching Hospital Department of Health Balochistan (Qila Saif Ullah)

The latest Jobs in DHQ Teaching Hospital Department of Health Balochistan have been announced. These jobs are in TH DHQ Qila Saif Ullah from BPS-02 to BPS-09.


Jobs in DHQ Teaching Hospital Department of Health Balochistan



Sr.No. Name of Post BPS No. of Post
1. OT Assistant BPS-06 1-Post
2. OT Technician BPS-09 02-Posts
3. Dressers Technician BPS-09 02-Posts
4. Lady Health Worker BPS-09 03-Posts
5. X-Rays Technician BPS-09 04-Posts
6. ECG Technician (Female) BPS-09 01-Post
7. Emergence Driver BPS-04 02-Posts
8. Ward Boy BPS-02 01-Post
9. Ward Aya BPS-02 05-Posts

Jobs in DHQ Teaching Hospital Department of Health Balochistan

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