Notification Closing / Holidays in Universities and Colleges by HED in Lahore / Multan till 24 Nov 2024

Government of the Punjab Higher Education Department issued a Notification on 15-11-2024 in connection with Closing / Holidays in Universities and Colleges by HED in Lahore / Multan till 24 Nov 2024. The HED Punjab issued the Notification No.  SO (G) MISC/2024 Dated Lahore, the 15th November 2024. Before this, the School Education Department Punjab issued the Notification Extension holidays in Schools/Colleges till 24-11-2024. Now, the HED Punjab also issued the Notification for Universities and Colleges in Multan and Lahore. The details are as follows.

Holidays in Universities and Colleges by HED in Lahore / Multan till 24-11-2024


In pursuance of the orders bearing no. 128/DG/EPA/2024 dated 15-11-2024 issued by Directed General Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Punjab, All the Public/Private Colleges and Universities under the Purview of Higher Education Department in the territorial jurisdiction of districts Lahore and Multan shall remain closed till further orders and the academic activities in these Colleges / Universities shall shift to online mode with immediate effect.

  1. The operation of the earlier notification dated 03-11-2024 regarding the closure and shifting of the academic activities to online mode in all the colleges (Public/Private) up to intermediate level (F.A/FSC/ICS/I.COM-Part I and II) across Punjab (except district Muree, Lahore and Multan) shall stand extended till 24-11-2024.
  2. The Vice Chancellors of the Punjab/Private Universities in districts Lahore and Multan, Directors of Public Instruction (Colleges) Lahore and Multan, and all the Division Directors of Education (Colleges) in Punjab shall ensure the strict compliance of the above said orders in their respective Universities and divisions.
See also  Notification of Amendment Punjab Govt Servants Benevolent Fund Part-I (Disbursement) Rules 1965



Copy of Notification Closing Colleges and Universities


Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the following departments/offices:


  1. All the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioners, Punjab.
  2. Director General, Environmental Protection Agency, Punjab.
  3. All the Vic chancellors/Registrars, Public and Private Universities, Lahore and Multan.
  4. DPIs (Colleges) Punjab, Lahore, and Multan.



Notification Closing Holidays in Universities and Colleges by HED in Lahore Multan till 24 Nov 2024


These holidays for Universities are in Multan and Lahore. The Colleges for class Intermediate classes will follow the instructions of their local administrations.

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