Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) Primary, Middle, Matric Inter & Gradation Scholar Ships 2024-25(AJK)

Punjab Government has announced the PEEF Scholarships 2024-25 for AJK Students. These scholarships are for students who have passed matric or intermediate exams in 2024. In addition to that, there is another ad for the students who have passed Middle or Primary Exams.  The details are as follows:


PEEF Scholarships 2024-25 for AJK Students


PEEF Scholarships 2024-25 for AJK Students


There are two ads for the scholarships for AJK students. These are a general one add and other from the Higher Education Department AJK


Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) has allocated a total of 50 educational scholarships for matric passes (30) and intermediate passes (20) for talented and talented students of Azad Jammu an Kashmir. For this Scholarship, applications are required from Azad Kashmir-domiciled candidates purely on the basis of merit subject to the following conditions.


Eligibility Conditions.


  1. Matric or Intermediate annual exanimation year 2024, obtained at least 60% marks from government educational institutions of Azad Kashmir and Jammu
  2. passed the above examination from a government educational institution or admitted to any full-time registered educational institution.
  3. Total income of parents/head of the household – not exceeding Rs 60,000 per month.

Children of Government Servants of Grades 1-4, 60,,000 rupees monthly income (if the source is only salary) will be exempted.

  1. Not Received any other scholarship in the current academic year.
  2. Applications for the scholarship will be accepted only on the prevailing application from the year 2024.

Apart from this, scholarships have also been allocated for eligible students and students who belong to any of the following categories.

  1. Orthan Students whose fathers have passed away
  2. Children of Government Servants of Grades 1-4 (one to Four)
  3. Students belonging to Minority religious
  4. Special / NADRA ( handicaped) students.
  5. Children of civilians killed in terrorist attacks
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PEEF Punjab AJK Scholarships


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